Tina Tuck is a graduate in bio chemistry and a current master’s student in organic chemistry. Despite being in such an extensive program, Tina still manages to shine on the Waterloo Rugby County Team. That’s right, not only is Tina Tuck a star in her academics, she is also a star on the field. Below is a short interview I had with Tina to find out exactly how she does it!
How do you balance your time?
Well, my personal life is pretty much non-existent. Despite that, I have practices in the evening and I’m usually the last person to leave at work. It’s been more difficult being a masters student now since reactions are time sensitive, homework isn’t. (Science joke)
Some girls become worried about becoming girly girls when they’re older and forget about the fun and benefits of sports. Thoughts?
Start teaching girls at a young age that sports is a fun activity for all genders!
What is your favourite thing about being a Waterloo warrior?
I love how everyone’s equally nerdy in Waterloo. The faculty here is great as well.
Do you plan to continue your rugby career after you finish your masters degree?
Yes, absolutely! Rugby is life; so rugby is staying in my life.
Rugby is predominantly known for being a male sport. How do you feel about that?
The female rugby team is better than the males team. That’s how I feel about that.
What is the worst injury you have ever suffered?
I recently broke my leg and suffered from a concussion which left me 2 and a half weeks out of practices and games. Other than that, I had a bone bruise which I didn’t even know was possible to get. It’s funny because I always injure myself during practices and not during games.
You recently won an award, congratulations! Tell me more about that.
Yes, thank you! I got the OUA All Star Award for rugby. They pick 15 winner amidst the top players in the division. I got it along with my teammates Erica Shroeder, Megan Cowell, Rachel Brown.