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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Ottawa chapter.
While wandering through the concrete jungle of your university or college campus, you will undoubtedly come across the male species. You’ve probably noticed that not all of these males are alike; some appear youthful and immature, while others appear larger, more dominant and masculine. However, physical appearances may deceive you and the one that appears most manly, may in fact be a boy in disguise.  Have you ever gone out with a guy who seems mature, only to find out he spends most of his time playing video games? How about a guy that at first seems interested, then only wants to meet you out at a bar? Use these tips to help discover the behavioural differences between a man and his more primitive self, a boy.
1. A man doesn’t wear sweat socks with dress shoes.
This is a microscopic indication that he knows how to dress appropriately. Does he know to take his hat off for dinner? Will he switch from sweats to jeans when he leaves the house? Look for a man that has a style suited for his age and profession, and doesn’t always opt for the runners when going out to do errands.
2. A man calls you to ask you on a date instead of hoping to meet up with you downtown.
I think all females know (or they should) that if he’s only texting you later in the evenings wondering what you’re doing or if you’ll be going out, he’s not interested in what you have to say (IF ya know what I mean). If a man is interested, he’ll make it happen and if he doesn’t… well, he’s just not that into you. Simple as that!
3. A man can speak intelligently about current events or at least knows what happened on The Morning Show.
In today’s world, if you’re not keeping up with the news it will be hard to contribute to conversation (ladies, keep this in mind too).  He might like to read “The Globe and Mail”, or watch “eTalk”, but either way he’s learning something about current events. The man that you’re looking for has informed opinions, and an idea of what is happening in our world today.
4. A man has a passion or hobby.
Do not try to rationalize that your man’s (or shall I say boy’s) couch-sitting hobby is productive or attractive. Video games do not count as a way to enhance hand-eye coordination. A real man has something going on in his life that he cares about and makes him a better person. It might be cross stitching, or making craft beer, but hey, at least he’s passionate. 
5. A man does not make mating calls in public.
Some call this cat calling, others call it heckling; either way, you know you’ve spotted a primitive male when you hear the mating calls in public. Opt for a man that knows the right time and place to offer a genuine compliment.
6. A man is willing to try new things.
When you find a man that is willing to dance even though he’s not great at it, or go rollerblading even if he’s never tried, it shows confidence and openness to new experiences. 
7. A man understands that more cologne is not necessarily better.
He knows bathing in Axe spray is not an acceptable method of maintaining personal hygiene. A man wearing cologne is sexy, obviously women like a man who smells great. Just make sure his scent doesn’t take over a room. 
8. A man knows how to interact appropriately with your family and friends.
If you choose to bring him around, notice if he contributes to conversation and makes an effort to get your loved ones to like him. If he cares about you, he’ll care that your friends and family approve of him. If you feel nervous about too many f-bombs coming out of his mouth, he might not be the sophisticated male that you’re looking for. 
You may be thinking the differences between a male and boy are not this clear, and you are correct. A hybrid species does exist that optimizes boyish playfulness and the maturity of a man. This species has been recently discovered as a man-child. 
You’ll find this species to exhibit the light-heartedness of a boy, and sensibility and confidence of a man. If you have found this hybrid species, you may want to hold onto him.
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I'm a third year Honours Public Relations student at the University of Ottawa and am originally from Leamington, Ontario. I like to read, stay fit and spend time with family & friends!