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11 Reasons the Dog Show is the Best Part of Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving is great excuse to eat 12 servings of pumpkin pie and procrastinate on your homework, but the real reason everyone loves this holiday is because of the National Dog Show. Let’s be frank — spending too much time with your friends and family can get annoying after a while, but watching furry dogs from every breed of cute never gets old. Here are 11 reasons we look forward to watching man’s best friend compete in the most adorable competition ever.

1. It’s always fun scoping out dogs who resemble their handlers. This pair is rocking the same fluffy, white hairdo, which is quite flattering on both of them.

2. Puppy primping is a hilarious concept. Some of these dogs spend more time getting ready than we do! This cocker spaniel is obviously enjoying the star treatment.

3. We discover a new favorite breed every few minutes. How can anyone pick just one? For us dog lovers, that’s like asking us to pick a favorite child.

4. The contestants have some pretty legit names. Banana Joe, pictured below, won Best In Show in the Toy category in 2012 for the third consecutive year. You go, Banana Joe!

5. Every time the large dogs take the floor, it makes us wonder why we ever wanted a pony as a child. This Great Dane also looks like he would be the perfect cuddle buddy (as long as the bed is big enough).

6. But then the small dogs stand proud on their little tables and it makes us want to sneak one away in our purse. That will totally be the game plan when we attend next year’s show.

7. The crowd goes wild everytime the “mop dog” comes on. This breed wears dreads better than any person we’ve seen.

8. We love picking favorites and becoming their biggest cheerleader. Our fandom is on par with that of college football, and we take losses just as hard.

9. It’s entertaining watching the handlers try to keep up with their dogs. They deserve some recognition for that cardio workout!

10. It’s heartwarming to see the special bond between owners and their pets. These show dogs are motivated by the purest loyalty known to mankind (and maybe the occasional doggie treat).

11. The National Dog Show celebrates spending time with all the members of our family on Thanksgiving, especially our lovable, furry friends!

Connie is a professional and creative writing major at Carnegie Mellon University. She is currently obsessed with pole fitness, pumpkin bread, and '80s fashion.