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One Bird Family for Jamie Roberts

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at CUA chapter.




Hopefully everyone got a chance to make it to the game on Monday night in honor of Jamie Roberts. The game was to recognize her efforts as a coach and to celebrate her wonderful memory that still impacts tons of people around the CUA community today. While the Lady Cards defeated the St. Mary’s Seahawks (Roberts’ alma mater), both teams still managed to come together to show the true meaning of a “One Bird Family”. Jayni Webster, starting shooting guard for the Lady Cards, genuinely stated: “It was amazing the amount of support we got from all the students and athletes tonight. The packed gym full of orange was a perfect example of the impact Jamie has had on not only our team, but on the whole Catholic University community. Thanks to everyone who came out and helped create the amazing atmosphere that would have made Jamie proud.” It was great to see that so many people (regardless of whether they knew Jamie personally or not) attended the game to show love and support for the basketball community and honor Jamie’s spirit.

Photo Cred: Justin Walker