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Expectations vs. Realities of College

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Davidson chapter.

Coming into Davidson, I had a skewed mental image of what college life would be like thanks to Asher Roth, Blue Mountain State, and Community. As my first semester comes to an end, here’s some #realtalk about what college is actually like.

1. Expectation: I am going to go on Pinterest and find cute things to decorate my room with.  

Reality: Not only are the 1,001 pictures of my high school friends not hung up, but I probably couldn’t even find where I put them.

2. Expectation: All the people you meet at freshman orientation will be your friends for life.

“You live on Second Belk? Oh my god, I live on Third Belk!”

Reality: Seeing them in commons and not remembering their name.  

3. Expectation: I will never get bored of the food here.

An ice – cream machine! Make your own pizza! Livin’ big.

Reality: You can only eat so many quesadillas before you burn out.

I’ve stocked up on bags of Smart Food and Pita Chips, and my fridge is always packed with boxes of hummus. #freshman150

4. Expectation: I will work out every day after class.

The ten pairs of Norts I just bought are totally justified because I’m going to have so much time to go the gym. I might even throw in some Blogilates after the gym. #girlboss

Reality: Staying in my room and napping.


5. Expectation: Four classes can’t be so bad. I took six in high school.

Reality: Looking at the syllabus and seeing you have 90 pages of reading. For one class. 

6. Expection: Partying is going to be insane.

Hashtag college.
