Campus Cutie: Katie Long
Say hello to this fun and quirky freshman Belle!
Where are you from?
Osceola, Indiana
What is your intended major and why?
 Taken :)
I plan to major in Psychology because I took AP Psych my senior year and really enjoyed it!
What is your favorite Saint Mary’s memory so far?
The Michigan vs. ND game because it was my first football game!
Who is your favorite celebrity?
I love Neil Patrick Harris. He’s hilarious!
What clubs are you a part of, or planning to be a part of?
I’m planning to join Best Buddies, which is where you form a bond with a person who has disabilities. I’m also a part of the Gerontology Club.
What is your favorite cereal?
Peanut Butter Cap’n Crunch, because peanut butter is the bomb.
Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram?
I prefer Facebook. I’m really outdated, but that’s okay with me!
What is your favorite Dining Hall food?
I like the lemon bars. I just pretend they’re fruit. Is that bad?
What is the top thing on your bucket list?
I want to travel! I’ve always wanted to go to Italy and now I want to go to Spain, too!
What is your favorite movie?
I don’t have an ultimate favorite movie, but I really like Can’t Buy Me Love.
What is your favorite ice cream flavor?
I like mint chocolate chip or anything peanut butter.
What is your favorite season?
I love fall! I like that it’s not freezing, but it’s not hot. I also love the colors and fall outfits.
What is your favorite class right now?
Either my Jazz dance class or my Religious Studies course.
Stripes or Polka-dots?
Definitely stripes. I have A LOT of striped clothes.
Thanks Katie!Â