College is the beginning of a new chapter in your life. The first year can easily vary from that of a friend or relative and everyone’s experience is one that becomes their own. This is my experience.
If there was one thing that I learned from my first year of classes, it was to pick classes based on what you are interested in- not a class that others say is an easy A. Of course there are pre-requisite classes that must be taken for a major, but your general education classes can be picked based on your interests and be completely unrelated to your major.
During my freshmen year I made the mistake of taking a science course because one, I needed to get a science credit out of the way, two, everyone said it would earn me an easy A, and three, a friend was taking the same class. Big. Mistake. I had a huge disinterest in the class after the first lecture. I never looked forward to the lecture, making it hard for me to want to study and try to do well. I managed to do well in the class but looking back on that decision I wish I had put more thought into it. Just because a class is an effortless A for one person, doesn’t mean it will be for you. Having a legitimate interest in a class can make all the difference in the grade you earn, and while it’s great having friends in a class with you, it’s fine without them there, giving you an opportunity to meet new people.
A beautiful thing about being on a college campus is that you can wear whatever you want.
You can be as dressy or casual as you want. Feel like wearing a dress and some lipstick? Do it.
Wake up late for an 8 AM? Roll out of bed, put on some yoga pants, a shirt, shoes and throw on a baseball hat for that hair you have no time to try and control.
If you feel stuck with the clothes you have, instead of heading to the nearest mall, look around campus as you’re strolling to class or practically running because you’re late, and notice the uniqueness of individual style. Allow that to inspire you and be creative with what you already have.
I love being a bit dressy for class because it gives me a confidence boost and makes me feel good about myself, but there were, and will continue to be, the days where yoga pants will have to suffice.
Upon my entrance of college, I stuck with people I already knew because it was easier. However, we were all determined to branch out and slowly grew apart as the year continued.
It wasn’t until spring term that I found a solid group of girls to befriend; and while it took two terms for me to break out of my shell and discover new people, it was worth it. It taught me not only about myself, but also about who my real friends were. I learned that the friends who helped me transition into college were the ones that stuck by my side and supported me.
You meet all types of boys in college, from the guy sitting next to you in a lecture, to the guy at a party trying to get your number. All I have to say is: Don’t easily fall for the first boy you meet, or all the ones after that. Take the time to genuinely get to know a guy and casually hang out. Figure out where the relationship will go. Is he just a hookup or is he going out of his way to get to know you? I met many different types of guys during my first year, and through each one I met I learned more about myself and what it is I look for in a guy. Figure out what you want and what you’re looking for and go from there.
They aren’t as bad as they seem. I lived in a standard double, and while it was sometimes hard to navigate with two bodies in there at once, it’s completely livable. I believe that living in the dorms is all part of the college experience that you only get once in your life. It’s a community of people going through the same thing you are. I’m not going to sugar coat it, but there were times where I was frustrated and annoyed living in a smaller space, surrounded by people 24/7. Yet, there were so many good memories that came from the dorms that I wouldn’t have had if I didn’t live in them.
With the start of college comes this new freedom and independence that you may not have had while living at home. It’s thrilling, yet a responsibility at the same time. There is always something going on every weekend and sometimes every week night for that matter, but believe me when I say that it’s not the end of the world if you miss out on a weekend here and there. There won’t be anything happening that you haven’t been to before or that won’t happen again.
College is a whole new beginning for you. You need to always work hard and do your best, but never forget to play hard too. This is your own experience; embrace it.