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Freak Show: AHS Season 4 Begins

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Bryant chapter.

There are few TV shows that offer the same thrill and edge-of-your-seat anticipation as American Horror Story. Not only is it ridiculously scary but it has an actual plot, award-winning actors, and it will always keep you coming back for more!

With the premiere of last week’s episode, we were introduced to the Freak Show theme and got a look at some of the characters’ circus “talents.”

Sarah Paulsen- a set Siamese twins

Kathy Bates- bearded woman

Evan Peters- “lobster boy” whose hands look like they belong on sea creature

Jessica Lange- legless woman

In upcoming episodes we expect to see Emma Roberts, Angela Bassett and Denis O’Hare back in action as well.

What would a circus be without a clown? Many of our childhood fears come to life after one look at that terrifying creature that is probably the most frightening clown ever to exist.  We are still haven’t recovered from the scenes of him stabbing that innocent guy, that nice family, and then terrorizing his captives.

Quiet little Jupiter, Florida is not taking much of an interest in the circus experience, and the business is not doing well.  Not to mention, murder is already on the conscience of several “freaks,” so their future is looking bleak.  Who will be caught for their crimes? Will Evan Peters’ character leave the circus for good?  We certainly hope not! The show needs a little eye candy.  Will that guy who came to watch the show get his hands on a “freak” of his own? What secrets are being hidden by the characters? All these questions and more will be revealed by what critics are claiming will be the best season of AHS yet! Don’t forget to tune in Wednesdays at 10 on FX!