Meet Kelsie Vokes, a USF senior with a passion for traveling!
Her Campus: What is your major/minor?
Kelsie Vokes: Biomedical Science major and Spanish minor.
HC: Where are you from?
KV: Easton, Pennsylvania
HC: What is the best trip you’ve ever been to?
KV: My best friend and I went to Riobamba, Ecuador spring break of sophomore year with a student organization called Medlife. We had a great time and got to work in mobile medical clinics with Ecuadorian doctors. That trip inspired me to learn Spanish.
HC: What is your favorite quote?
KV: “Nothing exists except atoms and empty space; everything else is opinion.” – Democritus
HC: If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would you go?
KV: I would travel through the Andes mountains.
HC: What is your dream job?
KV: My dream job is to implement more advanced medical programs in developing areas of the world.
HC: What is your favorite memory at USF?
KV: My favorite memories are from the times I’ve spent with the friends I’ve met here.
HC: What advice would you give to an incoming freshman?
KV: Take your time. College isn’t a race to see who can finish first. Enjoy your experiences here.