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10 Ways To Take a Break From Being a Student

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Kent State chapter.






Being a student is something that takes a toll on everyone. In college, you’re a student 24/7. Here’s a few ways to relieve some of the stress that college can create.


1. Bask in Nature


Kent state has tons of beautiful places around campus where you can relax and breathe in the freshly cut grass. Another perk? You can people watch.


2. Turn off all electronics


As students, we’re constantly checking our emails and various other types of social media. For a change, turn them off and leave them in your room. Go somewhere with a friend with no electronic devices, and actually have a conversation with someone.


3.  Listen to music


Just lay down and relax, put on your favorite music and  let your mind breath for a moment.


4. Take a walk or run outside


“Exercising creates endorphins, endorphins make you happy. Happy people just don’t kill their husbands.” (Legally Blonde anyone?)


5. Call a friend


Tell them about the horrible professor that you can’t even believe is able to teach your class.


6.  Drive somewhere new


Go exploring! Go to neighboring towns to see what’s around Kent! 


7. Take a nap!


Find a good time when your annoying roommate won’t be in the room causing loud noises and shut your mind off to take a quick snooze.


8. Take a coffee break.


Bring your laptop, head to a local coffee shop, order your favorite piping hot latte, and scan Pinterest. 


9. Do some yoga


It’s a good way to benefit your mind and body!


10. Hang out with friends!


It’s a good way to see everyone and have fun, and it gives you a chance to get your nose out of a book.

Hello! I'm Morgan! I'm a Junior majoring in Visual Journalism. My passions include photography and graphic design. I'm obsessed with Dunkin Donuts, and puppies are my weakness. Check out my articles!
Junior at Kent State, with a mojor in journalism and a minor in fashion media. I like to write about fashion, lifestyle and Harry Styles.