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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Marymount chapter.

It’s FINALLY fall!

I don’t know about you, but I am not ashamed to admit that I’m one of those girls who’s OBSESSED with fall! From big sweaters to boots to PSLs, I can’t get enough of this season! #CommonWhiteGirlStatus



However, fall represents so much more than a time to wear scarves and boots and carve pumpkins. Fall brings about a season of new life and the change in our atmosphere is absolutely electrifying. It never fails at this time each year; I am in awe of the beauty that we are surrounded by that our creator designed for us. I also can’t get enough of how pretty MU’s campus is when the leaves start to change; am I right?? When this time of year rolls around, the last thing I want to be doing on the weekends is sitting cooped up in my room watching YouTube videos. The cooler temperature makes me want to go outside and experience this season! How lucky are we that we go to school where a TON of fun, fall related activities are right within our reach?! Below are a few suggestions for events and activities that are not to be missed!


1. Gravensteen’s Haunted House

Who doesn’t love a haunted house? Okay, I can think of a few people, me being one of them. I’m kind of a wimp when it comes to voluntarily getting scared. But… if they are your thing, Gravensteen’s Haunted House, located on N. Florida Ave in NW, DC is perfect for you! Known as the “largest and scariest” haunted house in DC, it’s sure to be a frightingly good time!

2. Heather Hill Gardens Pumpkin Patch

I can’t think of anything better than getting a group of friends together and picking pumpkins! The Heather Hill Gardens Pumpkin Patch in Fairfax Station, VA is about as festive as you can get! Pumpkins, cider, crisp fall air… it doesn’t get more autumn than that!


3. A Day in Georgetown

DC is absolutely gorgeous this time of year and Georgetown is no exception! Window shopping, sitting by the water, and eating some cupcakes just feels different in the fall than it does in the summer. Also, besides metro fare, going to Georgetown is virtually free, a college girl’s dream!


4. Pumpkin Carving Party

After going out to get scared, pick pumpkins, or shop till you drop, you’re probably exhausted. What better way to wind down than an evening with your girls watching movies and carving pumpkins (maybe the ones you picked at the pumpkin patch!) If you didn’t have the time to get there, virtually all grocery stores sell pumpkins! Pop in a horror movie, or my personal preference, a rom-com, and carve and laugh the night away!



Abigail is an MU junior majoring in fashion merchandising. She loves being a part of Her Campus and expressing her creativity through her love of writing. Additionally, she writes monthly editorials for College Fashionista, where she is a Style Guru. When she is not writing, you can find her singing, going hardcore preparing her dream wedding on Pinterest, reading Christian romance novels, and watching the most unrealistic reality television.