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HeforShe Can be a Part of the Hill, Too

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Colby chapter.

As many of you may already know from taking a break in Miller by looking at the oh-so-handy newsreel on the side of Facebook, Emma Watson kicked some major feminist butt on September 21st by announcing the United Nation’s HeForShe campaign, a movement to achieve equality for men and women once and for all. In her speech, she talked about the definition of a feminist (one who believes in gender equality rather than resenting the opposite sex), and, in my opinion, was basically all around amazing and inspiring. For those of you who don’t have time between running from Diamond to Bixler and grabbing a quick Starbucks in the Spa before a meeting with a prof to read the whole speech or watch the video, you should definitely check it out – it’s very empowering. To catch you up before you head back to your dorm room on this chilly Fall day to watch the real thing, here’s a part of it that I found very important:

“I decided that I was a feminist. This seemed uncomplicated to me. But my recent research has shown me that feminism has become an unpopular word. Women are choosing not to identify as feminists. Apparently, I am among the ranks of women whose expressions are seen as too strong, too aggressive, anti-men, unattractive. Why has the word become such an unpopular one? I think it is right I am paid the same as my male counterparts. I think it is right that I should make decisions about my own body. I think it is right that women be involved on my behalf in the policies and decisions that affect my life. I think it is right that socially, I am afforded the same respect as men.”

You go, Emma Watson! I personally agree with every single thing she says here. I love that she’s calling out these ridiculous stereotypes about people who just want to be equal and respected. Disregarding my already well-established love for the Harry Potter series, I have always thought that Emma Watson is incredible. She’s great in the movies, starring opposite a mostly male-dominant cast, and absolutely kills it. She grows up to be a beautiful idol, and after the movies are done, she goes to college. With a roommate. And dining hall food!

After Watson graduated from Brown with a degree in English literature, she was appointed as the UN’s Women and Goodwill Ambassador, and then gave this moving speech about the HeForShe campaign and the importance for gender equality. It is truly inspirational for a woman to be so all-around talented and selfless. She even says herself at one point that people might wonder why the girl from Harry Potter is giving a speech at the United Nations, and she simply says: because she believes in it. She believes in the power of goodwill and urges people to step up and act for what they are passionate about. Watson reminds us in her speech that we can all be a part of the feminist movement, no matter our gender. So, I think everyone can take a leaf out of her book, share the link, and encourage all the awesome bros here at Colby to check this out: http://www.heforshe.org/

Happy Tuesday! HCXO


Currently a sophomore at Colby College looking to major in French and minor in Creative Writing. I would happily live inside an Anthropologie store, go to Hogwarts, and star in a Broadway musical, all at the same time.
Carli Jaff is a senior at Colby with a double major in American Studies and Education. Outside of classes and being a CC for Her Campus Colby, she is the Managing Editor of the school newspaper, a writing tutor at the college writers' center, a research assistant for the Head of the Education department, and a co-chair of Colby's Senior Pledge Committee. Carli is very excited to work for Her Campus Colby and share her love for college with you all!