We are… bowl eligible! The NCAA has lifted Penn State’s bowl ban, which means we are eligible to play in the bowl games this year. Still need more reasons to be excited? Here’s some to get you ready for bowl season, Penn State style:
1. Its 7 P.M., and Michigan STILL SUCKS!
2. We get to show Ohio State and Michigan what we’re made of, once again.
3. PSU football season is extended.
4. Your relatives are forced to watch football when you’re home because Penn State WILL BE in the bowls this year, DUH!
5. If qualified, we can watch the bowl parades and cheer for our team.
6. The ban being lifted is a great way to start off the season (to say the least)!
7. With Franklin as our coach and team members like Hackenberg and Ficken, we’ll show those other teams how much these lions can ROAR!
8. We have great players that can show those other Big Ten schools how Penn State does it!
9. With the lift of the bowl bans, we get more recognition and are back on the national radar.
10. We got to unite as a community and celebrate (and continue to celebrate) how happy we are that bowl bans have been lifted!
11. There will be even more tailgates to cheer on our team and celebrate our wins.
12. There can be PSU bowl gear once again!
13. We have the chance to take back our place at the Rose Bowl.
14. The bowl games are worth watching again!
15. If Penn State not only qualifies but wins the bowl games, it will be a great way to end the holiday season!
16. I believe that we will qualify, I believe that we will win! WE ARE!
I know what I’m watching December 20th through January 2nd. Watch out Big Ten… Penn State’s going BOWL-ing!