College is an exciting time; it’s where you will make lifelong friendships and begin to discover who truly are. You’ll meet amazing people, learn some fascinating things and create memories that will last a lifetime, but as exciting as the prospect might be, it can still be an extremely nerve-wracking time. As a freshman there’s no way you’re going to know the ins and outs of every aspect here at Maryland, but this is a list of the 7 things you NEED to know as freshman here at UMD.
1. Figure out the bus system ASAP
If you’re a freshman there’s a good chance you’re probably living on North Campus and that means you’re pretty much as far as you can possibly from everything that matters (except The Diner and the gym). The UMD bus system is great in that it pretty much goes everywhere you would possibly need it to. If you don’t have a car on campus, the buses are going to become your best friend. The buses can take you to PG Plaza which is home to an array of shops like Target, Macy’s Old Navy and a movie theater. If you forgot some necessary stuff at home, hop on the Hyattsville bus or the PG Plaza bus and it’ll get you there fast! If you’re going out at night, there are a few options available to you depending on where you want to go. If you’re trying to hit up a frat party or head to the bars your best bet is Orange (A.K.A. 115) it will take you from your dorm to Montgomery Hall which is where you’re definitely going to want to get off. Contrary to popular belief if you’re going to a frat party, you don’t want to get off at Frat Row. Figure out the bus system as soon as you can and your life will be infinitely easier. The school even puts out a transportation guide with all the bus schedules in a little book! Look for it at Stamp!
2. Partying
Now that I’ve already mentioned Frat parties, we can get on to the topic that you all want to read about. First thing’s first: DO NOT TRAVEL IN A PACK OF 30! You are not going to get in anywhere traveling with a group that big. If you’ve already done this before, don’t feel bad, pretty much everyone did this when they were a freshman. Travel in smaller groups of two to four and you’ll find that getting into parties is a lot easier. You should also know that despite what the movies say, frats do not party in their chapter houses. They have tiny, disgusting little “Satellite” houses for all the grimier shenanigans. Other places where freshman often go to party are the View and the Varsity (take the Blue bus!). These are VERY nice, very EXPENSIVE apartments that a lot of people live and a lot of times you can find fun parties here. The only issue is that security can sometimes be a little strict. Getting around it isn’t hard, but still, it’s something to keep in mind.
3. Dining
If you don’t know already (and you probably do) the dining halls here at Maryland are not the healthiest places. Now, don’t get me wrong that’s not to say that there aren’t some gems in these places, you just have to know what they are. One of the options that many students truly adore is the Buffalo Chicken Wrap. You can get it at the North Campus Diner as well as the one on South Campus. They are absolutely delightful. Try one once and you’ll be hooked. The “Make Your Own Pasta” is also amazing. Mostly because you’re pretty much creating it yourself, but still it’s golden. Try your best to poke around at all of the stations and see what you like, I guarantee you’ll find something.
On another note, something you should definitely be cautious about is your dining points. For some, you’ll realize one month into the semester that you only have 50 dining points left. I’m telling you now, THAT IS A HUGE PROBLEM. Do NOT be that person. Some of you will do the exact opposite and realize that at the end of the semester you have 500 dining points. This is also a HUGE problem because it is such a waste of money! If you find you’re self in this position, take your friends out to a meal or two at Adele’s! Adele’s is the super fancy restaurant on the first of Stamp (above the food court). You can use your dining points for dinner only, though. It’s a slightly expensive restaurant so if you’re swimming in points, that’s where you want to go.
4. Clubs
So you’re not best friends with your roommate or any of the people on your floors for that matter…what are you gonna do? You’re going to join clubs or organizations or Greek life! Joining any of the aforementioned is best when you’re a freshman, you’re young and you don’t really know that many people yet, but joining one of these will totally change that last part. It’s in clubs and organizations and Greek life where you make lifelong friendships based on similar interests! Go to the First Look Fair (September 17 & 18) and put your name and email on some list-serves! Even if you aren’t sure you’ll like something, try it anyway just to make sure.
5. Be really open and friendly
The first few days are crucial when it comes to meeting new people and making friends! If you’re living in a dorm, go around and introduce yourself to your neighbors. Sit and the lounge and talk to some people. Leave your door open when you’re just hanging out in your room. This is SUCH a great way to meet people even if you think it’s cheesy. Be friendly and open and hey, you might find yourself a new best friend!
6. Do not fail out your first semester
The transition from high school to college can be a tough one for some people. You have to understand that a lot of the people that are in college were also top in their class, that just means that the competition is a lot harder in college. For some people high school was a breeze, you never did the reading and you never studied and you still got As. You CANNOT expect college to be just like that. Make sure not to let your grades slip because you just aren’t paying attention or aren’t willing to put in the effort. You are in college, after all, to study and work hard. It can be hard to put that into perspective when you’re being bombarded with so many other things but just be sure to prioritize and make time for everything and you’ll be O.K. College is all about learning how to manage your time! I recommend investing in an agenda! Good luck ladies!