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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Washington chapter.


So many college women have internships or jobs that they worked hard and were lucky to land for over the summer! Most of the jobs start next week, finals week, aka a major cram time for most students. I feel your pain collegiettes, I have a job and was not able to secure time off next week either. Ā How do you maintain beginging a new job or balancing and old one during finals week along with stuDYING? Here are a few helpful tips!

Start Early.

When it comes to procrastination, I feel like Iā€™m queen. Itā€™s so easy to push things till the last possible minute throughout the quarter and then become so accustomed to the habit that you adopt the idea that Ā studying for finals can be procrastinated as well. Iā€™ve learned the hard way that cramming 10 weeks worth of material into 2 nights and days of studying actually equals hell. Iā€™m not saying itā€™s not possible, Iā€™m literally saying youā€™re going to be miserable.

Additionally, I know for me personally, school always comes before work. However, if Iā€™m cramming for a test for 48 hours straight, Iā€™m not have the time to reply to work emails, make it into work meetings, or finish that report thatā€™s due to my manager an hour after my exam.

Iā€™m a firm believer in the fact that the last minute is the most efficient, but leaving everything for that one minute can sometimes mean you wonā€™t be able to finish everything on your plate.


Let People Know.

Email your manager, call your mom, update your Facebook status, just make sure that people know youā€™re going to be busier these next couple weeks/days. Communication is critical, it will help your manager understand that he/she realistically shouldnā€™t pile on extra assignments this week. Additionally, your friends are less likely to hit you up for a quick bite to eat, shopping, or anything else that could tempt you away from studying.


Make Lists.

Thereā€™s always so much to do around the end of the quarter (and school year), it can be overbearing at times. Make sure to keep track of what needs to get done and the due date. Thereā€™s lots of ways to this: alerts on your phone, a planner or journal, even a calendar stuck to your dorm wall can be used. Make sure you know the date you have to move out by, when all your finals are, when you start/end your job, etc. Plus, checking an item off this list will be the best feeling ever, trust me.


Dress Well.

Looking put together will help you and those around you to believe that you do, in fact, have it all together (even if you don’t). There are tons of cute finals outfit ideas on Pinterest and Polyvore, so look them up ahead of time and lay them out before going to bed so you can maximize your snooze time in the morning. You know what they say: ā€œfake it ā€˜till you make it.ā€


Donā€™t Stress Yourself Out.

You have so much to do and it feels like there is just not enough time. You may feel like people are asking so much of you, and the pressure to please everyone while still excelling in your classes is incredibly intense. It can be hard not to just freak out and cry in a fetal position due to stress overload, but just remember the light at the end of the tunnel. Youā€™re almost done! Think positive thoughts and donā€™t let yourself get worked up about everyone’s least favorite week of the quarter. Believe in yourself, youā€™re going to finish everything you need to finish, so there is no reason to keep worrying (and complaining) about ALL the work you have. Remember, finals week is stressful all around. If you find yourself getting super stressed about work or school, go for a quick run. There are also many breathing exercises available online to help you destress.


Hope you find these tips helpful, and best of luck with finals, Huskies!


Jordyn is a history major, nanny and creative writing enthusiast. She spends her free time frolicking through fields of daisies, consuming copious amounts of iced mochas and blogging for her personal blog The Fairy Princess Diaries.