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Food for Thought: Exam Breakfast Special

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Leeds chapter.

Breakfast should always be the most important meal of the day, but breakfast during exams is absolutely vital if you want to succeed. Here are 3 quick, cheap and easy recipes which should set you up for a busy day!


This bowl of goodness is a real winner if you have an early exam and you are short for time in the mornings. Porridge oats have a high amount of dietary fibre and macronutrients which are needed for optimal brain function. This means that they fill you up and then release their energy slowly and steadily, so you remain full, your blood sugar remains at a maintained level and your body has enough energy to burn when you’re concentrating, ensuring that you won’t crash during your exam!

Adding bananas and honey means your breakfast will give you the natural sugar boost you might normally look for in the mornings in sugary cereal or high calorie energy drinks. Studies have proven that even the smell of cinnamon can stimulate cognitive processing, which means it boosts your brain function!


You will need:

1/2 cup of porridge oats

1 cup of milk or water

1 tsp of cinnamon

1 tsp of honey

1 banana

Put the oats and milk or water into a saucepan over a medium heat, stir regularly and allow to simmer for a few minutes until the desired consistency is achieved. You can add cinnamon at this point or when serving; the choice is yours! If you prefer thicker porridge then allow it to reduce a little longer, and if you prefer a smoother porridge then add a splash of milk during the cooking process to thin it down. Pour the porridge into a bowl and top with sliced banana and a generous teaspoon of honey. If you’re really short on time, mix the oats and milk or water in a bowl, cover with a plate or cling film and microwave for two minutes or until the desired consistency is achieved. It’s ideal if you’ve been up late the night before cramming in some last minute revision!


This is a great breakfast if you have a few extra minutes to spare in the morning, but can also work if you don’t as it can be prepared the night before and thrown together in the morning! Peaches are known in some countries as ‘The Fruit of Calmness’ and are believed to be natural stress relievers. They are also low in calories but high in vitamin A and C which is great for the skin, meaning those stress spots will be a thing of the past! Almonds are hailed as the ultimate super food as they too regulate your blood sugar by being slow burners. Natural yoghurt promotes a healthy gut and digestive tract and honey with it’s anti-fungal properties will ensure you’re starting your day in the best way possible.

You will need:

1 peach

1 cup of yoghurt

1 handful of almonds

1 teaspoon of honey

If you have time to do this in the morning then throw the handful of almonds into a dry frying pan and lightly toast then set aside. Slice the peach in half, de-stone and place flesh side down in the dry frying pan on a medium heat, allow to heat for a couple of minutes. Whilst doing this, fill a bowl with yoghurt and drizzle over they honey. Place the peaches on top and sprinkle over the toasted almonds. If you know you have a busy week ahead and you will be short on time then de-stone and chop a peach into a bowl the night before, toast a batch of almonds and keep in a sealed tub and throw together in a bowl in the morning for a quick but delicious healthy breakfast!


Salmon is unbelievably high in protein which is key to staying fuller for longer and is packed with Omega-3 fatty acids which are great for the heart, blood and can lower cholesterol. Smoked salmon doesn’t require any cooking and is therefore an ideal speedy breakfast ingredient. Combine smoked salmon with eggs, spinach and tomatoes and you will have a nutrient packed, high protein brain power breakfast. For added slow burning energy for a really big day, add a slice of seeded brown toast on the side!

You will need:

2-3 slices of smoked salmon

2 eggs

1 generous handul of spinach

1 tsp of butter 

1 handful of cherry tomatoes/one regular tomato

1 slice of lemon

Whilst melting the butter in a pan over a medium heat, slice the tomatoes and put the salmon on the plate. Throw the spinach into the melted butter and allow to wilt slightly. Crack two eggs into a pan, whisk lightly seasoning with salt and pepper and add to the spinach, making sure that you stir them constantly for around one and a half minutes, serve immediately with a generous squeeze of lemon!

There you have it, three breakfast recipes to see you through exam season and ensure you are setting yourself up for success this summer!

Emma Bakel