From the accessibility of fries in the dining commons to how far the Rec Center always appears to be, being fit in college always seems to be impossible. And, with good reason; between the stress from class and the constant time crunchā€”fitness is super tough to fit in to a Collegiette’s lifestyle. However, it’s almost summer! ‘Tis the season to get back on track! And here’s why:
Confidence Boost: Summer is bathing suit weatherā€”but your reason to stay active shouldn’t be just to look good at the beach. Rather, the confidence you gain from building muscle and strength is an awesome feeling. Push for that endorphin high rather than a slimmer waist.
Helps Time Management: The extreme temperatures of summer can make working out a drag. Instead, squeeze your workout in the morning to beat the heat. Working out in the morning will make you go to bed earlier, sleep better, and open up your day. Then, the time you would usually spend trying to argue your way out of a trip to the gym could be spent at the beach.
Awesome Food Choices: The warm weather yields so many delicious in-season fruits and veggies. For example: berries, asparagus, broccoli, and cherries (to name a few). Not to mention, grilling is an awesome, lean way, to cookā€”and a fun one at that.
Build Habits For The School Year: By making a workout routine, making better food choices, and adjusting your sleep cycleā€”you will be more motivated to walk to the Rec Center and to avoid those tempting French fries.
You can do it, Collegiettes!