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Campus Celeb: Senior Cutie Jessica Cawley ’14

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Le Moyne chapter.

“This semester has definitely been one heck of a roller coaster ride” exclaimed senior Jessica Cawley, “but I loved every bit of it!”Not only is Jessica a proud writer for our very own HerCampus Le Moyne but she’s also the PR Coordinator for WLMU Radio. Between attending and  studying for 6 classes and working part-time as a nurse aide she is constantly busy. But what does she like to do in her free time?“Free time? What’s that?” She chuckled. “I’m actually interning at News Channel 9 in production and I also intern at an production company downtown, mostly editing. That’s what I enjoy doing.” Said Jessica.The commuter student adores shiny things, make-up, and accessories. She also loves to blast Lil Wayne while driving to and from campus in Maxine. Maxine is what she calls her antique Nissan Maxima.“Lil Wayne, Drake, & Max B creates that music that is the spice of life.”Jessica majors in communications with a concentration in TV/Radio production and a English literature minor. After graduation she plans on pursuing broadcast producing, attending graduate school, and possibly starting a production company one day.“I just miss my friends and family. I can’t wait to graduate this month so I can have more free time to spend with them” she smiled.

We are so sad to see one of our HC Le Moyne beauties leave us, but we are so excited for all the success that is going to come Jessica’s way!