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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Durham chapter.

NAME: Peter Bray

COLLEGE: Van Mildert

YEAR: 3rd


HOMETOWN: Alton, the home counties


As Captain of the Orienteering Club, what is your favourite thing about the sport

The mud! Getting down and dirty in a forest is a great weekend activity.

Congratulations on being selected for the GB Team for the European Orienteering Championships in Easter! How did it go ?

Amazingly well. It was my senior debut so wasn’t expecting much; it was just awesome to be there racing against the best in the World (aka my idols).

What was it like repping for team GB, loving the stash by the way!

It attracts a lot of good female attention. I wear my stash around Durham as much as possible.


On a different matter, if you were only allowed to watch 3 movies for the rest of your life what would they be and why?

One for each mood – 

Happy: Role Models, just because its hilarious.

The mood for adventure: James Bond Golden Eye – because it has everything: action, Sean Bean dies, a helicopter, a crazy sex woman….

Sad: Lion King – because sadness is not eternal.

Top revision break ?

Chilling with GF whilst cramming my face with food

How will your girlfriend feel about going out with our very own April Campus Cutie ?!

Mrs April Campus Cutie will be over-the-moon.

Clare is a 2nd Year at St. Chad's College, Durham University, reading Theology. Home is split between a pad in London and house in Somerset where she went to school. She is actively involved in College sport especially rugby and rowing, and is on the Exec of the DUWIB (Durham University Women in Business) Society to promote women going into internships, grad schemes and finding paths into business for life after Uni. She is keen on marketing and business development and hopefully starting her own company in the years to come. She loves to travel and is lucky to have the opportunity to go across the world in her work with her family business. Favourites are drinks with the girls, running (Paris Marathon in April 2014), time with the family, weekends in London and dog walks in the country, and of course bar crawls in fancy dress around Durham.
Hey! I am a second year student at Durham University studying Sociology and Anthropology. I love writing and spending time with people and so cannot wait to start a HerCampus Chapter at Durham.