With summer just around the corner, the potential to sleep all day could destroy any semblance of a routine many of you have developed throughout the school year. Therefore, it’s time to reevaluate the way we structure our habits. We’ve all heard the ambiguous mantra, “Success is a habit” usually accompanied by a picture of an insanely unrealistic-looking model in skimpy gym clothes. When we think of routines it’s usually in the sense of chronological compartmentalization of daily events- wake up, brush teeth, drink coffee, go to class, etc. Though this is in the basic sense a routine of daily activities, it’s not the only kind.
How can a routine help you be successful? Think about it like a constant series of proactive decisions. Here is a list of some key habits of successful people.
1. Wake up early, even if you don’t have to. Why? Because mornings should not be rushed. Your morning sets the tone of your day. Changing the way you think about morning can make a huge difference. I’m not saying you have to spring out of bed every morning at 5 a.m. for calisthenics, but getting up at a decent hour will encourage you to get an adequate amount of sleep and start each day fresh. A good way to reshape your opinion about mornings is to give yourself something to look forward to whether it’s the smell of fresh coffee, making yourself your favorite breakfast, listening to music, going for a morning run, or just enjoying the oh so rare silence in your apartment or dorm.
2. Talk to yourself. Not in a crazy old professor way, it doesn’t even have to be aloud (and unless you are alone I would advise against that). What I mean is think to yourself, “What do I have to do today and what do I need to bring with me? Where do I need to be and when?” You get the idea. The conscious act of planning your day and organizing tasks and events will really help you be more effective, preventing stress.
3. Eat to live. Food is fuel and should be viewed as such. Give your body the type of food it needs to function and get you through your busy day. In fact, sugar makes you tired. Sugar does not digest the way other foods do and in excess can have serious effects on your health and mood. Do yourself a favor and choose foods that will keep you full and energetic (leafy greens, fresh fruit, complex proteins, and fiber).
4. Be diligent, but do not overload yourself. There is a perfect balance of pressure and leisure that leads to accomplishment and happiness. If you stress too much and neglect personal time you will burn out, but if you relax too much you will shirk your responsibilities, be overly tired, and fall into a rut of laziness. Have you ever heard the expression, “If you want something done give it to a busy person?” There is a lot of truth to this statement. It is important to keep yourself busy so that you stay productive and maintain energy without overstressing yourself due to too many commitments. It’s a hard line to walk, but it gets easier with practice.
5. Make mistakes, but no repeats. It’s perfectly okay to make mistakes- it’s how we learn. However, it’s important to learn from the mistakes you make so that you can improve and not make them again. Use your mistakes to grow and improve.
Success is not as much of a habit as it is a culmination of attitudes and actions. The key is making these attitudes and actions part of your routine. We all have the potential to be successful in whatever we choose to do.