As we all know, graduation is less than two weeks away. This is both extremely exciting for our seniors as some will be done with school for good, and absolutely terrifying, as they will officially be grown ups in the real world. So before you leave us forever, make sure you’ve got everything settled.
     1.     Finish your bucket list
                       We all came to FSU freshman year with different ideas of everything that we wanted to accomplish with our time here. Some were set on earning their own mug from Ken’s Tavern, others wanted to road trip to St. George Island for a weekend beach getaway, and everyone wanted to be thrown in Westcott Fountain on their 21st birthday. So before you leave Tallahassee and never look back, make sure you’ve done everything you’ve always wanted. Have you been to Wakulla Springs? Kayaked at the Rez? Zip lined at Tree Top Adventures? If not, get on it! You only have two weeks left!
     2. Forgive and Forget
                       At some point over the last four years, you’ve probably been involved in (or possibly instigated) an argument with a friend of some kind. People tend to be very proud (or at least I do) and have a hard time letting things go. It might seem silly, but clear the air and settle any old grudges before leaving town. It’ll give you a sense of closure, and if that person goes on to become really famous, then they won’t bash you in the media.
     3.     Spend Time with Your Best Friend
                       When graduating high school I was told I would probably never see these people again in my life. That was a total lie. I saw them every day freshman year in the dining hall and I’ve seen them sporadically throughout campus ever since. But now that you’re graduating college and moving to all sorts of different cities to pursue careers, now you are likely to never see most of these people again. So make sure you make time for those most important to you. Get dinner, go out, see a movie — anything. Just let them know that they matter to you and you would like to make an effort to stay in touch over the years to come.
     4.     Do “Tally/FSU” Things One Last Time
                       Tallahassee may be a smaller city than say New York or Chicago, but just like those huge metropolises, there are things in Tallahassee and at FSU that are very specific to our town and campus that you won’t be able to do again. So in the next two weeks, make sure you order a box of Pokey Stix from Gumby’s Pizza. Stop by Doak and look out onto the field one last time. Go to happy hour with all your friends. Take a swim in Westcott. Do all the things that make FSU special to you because your time here is almost up, and you don’t want to leave feeling like you forgot something.