As next week is that last week of classes and spring semester comes to a close, it means only one thing awaits: finals. Since finals always seem to arrive with what seems like no warning at all, we thought we would portray the emotions we go through as finals begin to creep upon us.
The amount of reading begins to pile up
You trying to catch up on all the reading
When you realize the first day of finals is only less than two weeks away
When you try to follow lecture on material you have been going over all semeter while attempting to beat 2048
When your professor reminds you that yes indeed the final is cumulative
The way your professor appears to you when you go to their office hours for the first time all semster
What your diet becomes in preparation for finals
What happens to your appearance as you begin to spend late nights at FML
How your one achiever friend who has kept up with the reading all semester feels when people tell me they hate them.
So in order for you to rock finals just remember…