Before and after you declare your major, it’s easy to find yourself questioning why you are sitting in a certain class. What is the purpose of this 20-page paper? Why am I learning about apes? When am I ever going to need to find the derivative of something? Who cares about Shakespeare? Where will memorizing 100 psych terms come in handy?
I think we can all agree that if college was structured by college students, the curriculum would be totally different. Here is a list of the courses that us collegiate think should really be taught in college:
Internships 101
This course would prep you for what to say, how to act, and when to apply in order to land the perfect internship. Every collegiate would benefit from learning how to become the perfect interviewee and also how to dress the part.
Drinking 101
Drinking in college involves a lot of poor planning, drunk texting, and peer pressure. Though you may not want to hear it, a little advice and positive reinforcement on how to remember your weekend adventures should be something on everyone’s to-do list.
Saving Your Money 101
Champagne taste, college pockets. It’s easy to blow through money on new outfits, alcohol, and going out to eat; sadly college is the time to bust into your roommates closet and buy Burnett’s. A course in weekly/monthly budgeting and spending tips could do us all a favor.
Social Media 101
For our generation, it’s important to know the ins and outs of every social media outlet. Collegiate’s must also remember their etiquette when it comes to social media, and how it is possible to post useful and intelligent content too.
Roommates 101
Dorm rooms can sometimes be too close for comfort. No one said living with a complete stranger would be easy, but there are definitely steps you can take to avoid conflict, handle awkward situations, and make the most out of your tiny living arrangement.
Although you go off to college to learn a thing or two and spend a small fortune doing so, we are all familiar with the saying: it’s not what you know, but who you know. A course in networking/marketing yourself to alumni or potential employers would give every collegiate the confidence she should have!
Study Abroad 101
Finally, a preparatory course for those who have been accepted to study abroad. This course would include tips on travel, getting courses approved, language barriers, culture shock, and how to make the most of your experience. Perhaps even a guest speaker from yours truly?