You’re getting ready for class one morning and you notice that you can no longer button your jeans…
That’s right ladies, it’s that time of month yet again.
After the bloating comes those terrible mood swings. Your boyfriend/guy friends try to understand how you feel but they never (ever) will.
You go from happy to pissed to a blubbering baby in a matter of minutes and the only way to make you feel better is to give in to those cravings.
After you’ve finished nearly an entire bag of chocolate candy…
…Your cramps and backaches begin to set in. Nothing is worse that feeling like someone has a death grip on your ovaries while simultaneously hitting you in the lower back.
You feel like you are dying…
All you want to do is curl up into fetal position in your bed and sleep forever…
You take at least four Advil at a time.
You think to yourself, “Guys have it easy. They don’t have to deal with any of this.”
You wake up from your nap and suddenly have a giant zit on your face…
You can’t help but be dramatic about it…
After a few more days of pain and agony it is finally over!
…Until next month.