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My New Love: Coconut Oil

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Tulane chapter.

About a week ago I got an accidental package…Amazon sent me a tub of coconut oil that I did not order. Instead of sending this beautiful mistake back, I took it as a sign from the beauty gods and decided to test it out.

My coconut oil came in the form of a white solid. It melts at 76 degrees Fahrenheit (who knew!?). Anyways, it was a little chillier when the oil was delivered, so it stayed in solid form for a while.

I scraped off the top layer and put it on my face. MY FACE. Now you may think that this is weird because no one desires oily skin…. but it’s amazing. Now since coconut oil melts at 76 degrees, as soon as it touched my face it liquefied- super cool sensation. Coconut oil smells like shortbread, so it was like I was constantly in a bakery for the night. (I wouldn’t recommend treating the oil as a daily moisturizer because it can make you’re skin look greasy and it’s hard to apply makeup over it.)

I WOULD recommend using coconut oil as a moisturizer before you sleep about 2-3 times a week. Any more than that can clog your pores and may leave a lingering, permanent shortbread smell (jaykay about the latter, but it’s possible?).

Anyways, it made my skin glossy and smooth and I will continue to use this product and probably will buy more once I run out. Makes you think, doesn’t it? Accidental package or amazing marketing ploy? Either way…well played Amazon, well played.

For more interesting coconut oil uses click here. (You CAN eat it or use it as a nutritional substitute but now that I use it as a moisturizer, that weirds me out.)

Thanks for listening to my thoughts/rant.


Her Campus Tulane