It’s almost that time of year again..bikini, crop top, and short season. In honor of your favorite summer outfits, you may be feeling the pressure get in shape for summertime. Easier said than done, right? However, here are 6 easy ways to stay motivated at the gym:
1. Perfect your playlist: You’re much more likely to be motivated if you have high-energy music. Download your favorite dance/exercise songs and form a playlist. When you’re at the gym, your music will distract you. (Tip: Beyonce’s songs are always a great motivation!)
2. Don’t cheat: If you plan to work out four times a week, then work out four times. If you decide to skip, remember, you’re only cheating yourself. Don’t make excuses, come late, or cut workouts short. Get the most out of the time you spend in the gym.
3. Bring friends: Knowing that you are going to the gym with your friends will make you less likely to skip out. Get a group of girls together and plan the days you’re going to go. Motivate each other and you will be more successful.
4. Find what you love: The treadmill isn’t for everyone. If you like to dance, go to Zumba classes. If you are super flexible, look into Yoga classes. You will not be motivated if you’re dreading every second of your workout. Find what’s right for you; there’s a surplus of options.
5. Treat yourself: Just because you’re working out doesn’t mean you have to deprive yourself of sweets. Every once in a while reward yourself with a sweet treat. Remember.. everything in moderation.. even chocolate.
6. Know what you’re working towards: Stay focused on your goal. Are you looking to become a healthier you? Looking to fit into your new VS bikini? Don’t lose sight of your overall objective. Keeping your eye on the prize will keep you on track. Good luck!