The start of every semester starts, more or less, with a sense of excitement (“Are my friends back yet?” “We’re in the same class?! Yes!!111!!” “Glad to be back in Boston”) which quickly gives way to anxiety (“Where are my classes?” “Ugh, I have an 8am” “I have to buy so many textbooks”) The latter, especially, takes a toll on both the mind and the wallet as the prices for the required class texts come to a staggering total. Fortunately, there is a way – in the form of a website – that aims to help students when it comes to text prices, SlugBooks, run by the website company’s CEO, David Miller, allows students to view the prices that all textbook sellers have listed their books for, like Amazon and Barnes&Noble. I used the website at the beginning of this semester to buyThe Associated Press Stylebook 2013Â for my News Editing and Design class, and being able to compare prices and make a purchase within a price range that I could afford led to a relieved me and not-so-empty back-to-school wallet.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Emerson chapter.