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Campus Celebrity: Paul Teresi

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Tampa chapter.

I’m sure you’ve already met him, unless you’ve been hiding under a rock. This week’s Campus Celebrity is Paul Teresi, a fun and enchanting spirit.

Paul is a Junior Communications major from Batavia, New York. His favorite thing about UT is all the involvement opportunities. “There’s just always something to get involved with. I think it’s crazy if someone ever says they’re bored because there’s always something to do.” He serves as the Recreation Chair for Student Productions, Vice President of Alpha Psi Omega, he was a Gateways Mentor for two semesters, he has participated in Spring Dance Concert, Dance Happening, Spartans in Service,  Crew Team his Freshman year, and has hosted events such as the Greek Variety Show.

When he’s not busy with all his campus organizations you can catch Paul working for University of Tampa’s Office of Admissions, The Gap, or at Walt Disney World as a performer. He started working with Disney after doing the Disney College Program for a semester during his sophomore year.  How can someone manage all these activities you ask? Paul lives off of his planner. “I always write everything in there and carry it with me at all times” he says.

Paul’s favorite past-time is performing. He loves being on stage and in the spotlight. However, many people may not know that he’s actually really self-conscious. “I’m very cautious of my image and don’t want people to see me in a negative light.” As far as plans for life after UT, Paul is still trying to figure that out since he just switched his major to Communications. “I’ve always wanted to be famous, so there’s that option… I’ve contemplated working on a cruise line. I just really want to travel and try new experiences.”

“I want to be remembered as someone who tries his best to help people out and that really funny kid. I just want to be remembered. I want people in 10 years to be like ‘Remember that kid Paul? I wonder what he’s doing with his life?’ and hopefully I can say doing something really bada*s.” Well, there you go collegiates, Paul Teresi.

Follow him on Twitter @notapaulogetic and on Instagram @paulyt820


Julia Egbe-Monthe is a Senior at University of Tampa majoring in Marketing and minoring in Criminology. Her love for fashion, pop culture, and all things UT is what inspired her to join Her Campus. She currently serves as an Editor for her HC chapter. Follow her on IG: @yeahju