He embodies being #blessed, doesn’t see anything wrong with a little bump and grind and is the only Gemini worth our time. Meet this week’s Campus Cutie: Chris Trinetti (or as I accidently wrote, Christ Trinetti).
Name: Chris Trinetti
Class: Senior
Fraternity: PDT
Major: Econ
Minor: None
Hometown: Cleveland, Ohio
Relationship Status: Single
Activities: Phi Delt Treasurer, Tutor in Speaking and Econ center, DAF and Football
Me when the Her Campus writers unanimously elected this week’s Campus Cutie:
Me, thirty minutes before the interview: I reapplied deodorant 3 times, did 4 push-ups and listened to tracks 3, 9 and 11 on Beyoncé’s new album.
Despite having to trek over to New Summit on a rainy Sunday, Chris was all smiles and genuinely thrilled to be elected as this week’s Campus Cutie. When I think back to my first year at Davidson, I remember knowing Chris as the guy that danced across F (in all of its glory). Over the years I have remained impressed not only by his dance moves, but also by his sense of humor, humbleness and kind spirit.
Your senior spring bucket-list: Storm through Base Rich and wake up whoever lived in my old room, finally go into the bomb shelter (I don’t know if it exists anymore), and 24 hour Commons—stay at Commons all day from breakfast to close.
Favorite part about spring at Davidson: Saturdays behind F—just playing volleyball and drinking with friends.
What’s your dream job? (Laughs) My dream job is to be a DJ—that’s probably the best job anyone could ever have—but realistically, start something on my own; be an entrepreneur.
Favorite place in the world: I haven’t been to many places in the world, but probably Zakynthos, where my family is from. It’s an island in Greece.
Celebrity crush: Selena Gomez, easy.
Most attractive thing in a girl: Hmm, definitely confidence—someone who’s comfortable with herself, but also around me.
Best bump and grind songs at F: (Laughs) Ignition by R-Kellz. Pretty much anything really; I’ll bump and grind to whatever.
Worst date experience: I haven’t had that many bad date experiences, but one time I took a girl out to dinner, and afterwards we were supposed to go out to all of these bars, but it was a weekday, so all of the bars were closed. So, we started walking around the city, and then it started raining. That was pretty much the end of it.
The top three artists on your playlist: Drake, Migos, and Andrea Bocchio.
What’s something about you that people wouldn’t normally know? I used to play piano competitively and I played the violin for 12 years.
Quote to live by: My favorite quote is one my dad didn’t make up but that he always says—“its amazing how lucky you get when you work hard.”