Nailah Salvary
Age: 19Year: Sophomore Major: Double Majoring in Criminal Justice and African American Studies (working on minoring in homeland security)Hometown: Prince George’s County, Maryland
Why did you choose VCU? VCU was actually my last choice. I really wanted to go to University of Miami. Once I visited VCU, I fell in love!!!!! What attracted me to VCU was the diversity.  I love that there are people from all walks of life. I also love how everyone is comfortable being who they are.
I hear you have a full ride! Can you tell me more about the scholarship? My main concern about going to college was paying for it. I have 6 siblings, 3 with learning disabilities so I wanted make sure my education wouldn’t be a financial burden on my parents. I literally searched for scholarships all over the place, I finally got a couple to cover my tuition.
What is your involvement in campus life? I am currently involved in African Student Union, New Student Programs, and I am currently trying to start Caribbean Student Union. I’m trying to get more involved.
Can you elaborate a little more on the Caribbean Student Union you want to start? Why do you want to start the organization and what are your goals for it? I really want to start a Caribbean Student because my Caribbean Heritage is a big part of my life.My father is from Trinidad &Tobago and my mother is from Guyana. I really wish I knew more Caribbean students on campus. I think a Caribbean Student Union could bring Caribbean students and people that are interested in Caribbean culture together. One of my main goals for the Caribbean Student union would be to have VCU Caribbean Carnival on the compass.
 What is your involvement like in New Student Programs? I am currently a Student Orientation Leader for New Student Programs. I will be working New Student Orientation over the summer. The purpose of my job is to show incoming student why VCU is the best school.
How did you get started being a club promoter? Do you work for just one company or multiple? I wanted to be a club promoter at first because I hated waiting in line to get in clubs. I also hated paying lol. I promote for Climatic Nation. We do events and Infuzions every Thursday, and sometimes Mansion on Friday.
What is your job description like for promoting clubs? When I promote for Climatic Nation my job is to pass out flyers, tweet about our events, post our event flyers and event pictures on Instagram and other social networks, and to sell event tickets.
How does this relate to your major or future career plans? It doesn’t really relate to my major, but it’s something fun to do outside of school. I do plan on using my promoting experience to plan charity events when I fulfill my dream of becoming a humanitarian. My future plans are to work for the FBI or go to law school, and eventually become a Humanitarian.
Do you have any hidden talents? I am really good at making new outfits out of really old clothes. Sometimes I take my grandmother’s old clothes and make them stylish.
A word of advice:Â If you have something to say, say it. Hold your tongue for no one.