1. “Two roads diverged in a wood, and I—
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference.”
As students in college, we’re thrown into this crazy world at eighteen, a few months after we had to ask permission to go to the bathroom. Then, we’re told to choose what we want to do with our lives. This path that we choose can be what we love, often it’s what will actually bring us the most happiness, and success. When choosing a major, don’t consider only the financial aspect or a mainstream (safe) career, because often there’s many options you can learn about in other less conventional career paths that could be what you’re really looking for!
2. “Still it wouldn’t reward the watcher to stay awake
In hopes of seeing the calm of heaven break
On his particular time and personal sight.
That calm seems certainly safe to last tonight.”
Your mind is racing in thought and you can’t seem to get to sleep. Something is on your mind – maybe worrying about an exam, fighting with a friend or a significant other, or just the everyday stress of being a student. Frost makes the key point here though – nothing’s going to change just because you’re worrying, and if anything it’s going to just make you even more tired for the next day. Smile, and try to find the calm during the storm in your head to fall asleep!
3. ”I had to drop the armful in the road
And try to stack them in a better load.”
Oftentimes, we try to take on too much at once, especially at the beginning of a fresh semester; I know I certainly did! We end up signing up for a ton of clubs, only to have to figure out which actually work with our schedule. Don’t feel pressured to do things you cannot – make it a “better load.” Personally, I really wanted to try fencing this Spring semester just for the fun of it, but it just didn’t work out this semester – maybe the next!
4. ”There is a call to life a little sterner,
And braver for the earner, learner, yearner.
Less criticism of the field and court
And more preoccupation with the sport.”
People with goals and aspirations are the people who are going to find the most success – the “earner, learner, and yearner.” Their passion is what fuels their drive, and this is what leads them to real happiness. You’re already in college, that’s half the battle! Don’t just be somebody that complains about life and sits on the sidelines, instead be the individual that experiences all life has to offer and make the best of it!
5. “‘New order of the ages’ did we say?
If it looks none too orderly today,
‘Tis a confusion it was ours to start
So in it have to take courageous part.”
As the youth in college that we are, we’re going to be responsible for the world soon enough. *Sigh* I know. It’s hard to be the shoulder that burdens this, but if all the generations before us have, then I have faith in us. We feel mad that we’re left with all the problems caused by the generation before us, but we all have to be adults eventually. We’re going to have to “have to take courageous part.” We’re going to make the best future though, even if it seems a little far off for now!
6. “Mind you, we are mind.
We are not the kind
To stay too confined.”
Our minds are full of the promise that will shape the world. We strive to learn what’s necessary to push the world forward. We’re always expressing ourselves – whether you’re jamming at local shows in NoHo, painting unique art in Central, or writing that essay for a class. We even let our local Dining Commons know what we think of their food! Never let go of your opinions, and let them be expressed – don’t ever feel “confined.”
7. ”Courage is of the heart by derivation,
And great it is. But fear is of the soul.”
We find courage in our hearts to overcome what bothers us. Maybe you’re getting the guts to tell that boy how you feel, or to ask that professor to write your recommendation letter! Fear seems so natural and instilled into us, so it takes our personal drive to pursue our futures. Remember, people regret what they don’t do, and sometimes we really only have the one opportunity, so remember to follow your heart!
8. ”The artist in me cries out for design.”
We are all artists. Every single one of us. Design isn’t only about aesthetics, but what you personally find to be beautiful and worthwhile. We are all people “designing” our lives, and we all have dreams to aspire to. That’s why we’re putting ourselves through this crazy train of college, it’s helping us find our design!
9. ”It was too lonely for her there,
And too wild.”
We all have ended up at that party we thought was TOO much, even for us. We get separated from our girls, and it just gets to be a crazier night from there. You feel lonely, and awkward even if you manage to socialize with the strangers that make up the seemingly endless crowd. A part of you just wants to go home. It seems women even from back in Frost’s day have faced these type of social situations!
10. ”I go to school to youth to learn the future.”
In Frost’s later poetry, it’s common to see him look upon the upcoming generation as the true leaders of the world. They have more of an idea about what’s coming in the future, and that’s us right now – the ones in college. We have many guest lecturers that come here and share their life experiences with us, but they were once in our shoes. Sometimes, we even have people that come here to get ideas from students in college, because they acknowledge we know the world at its best now, and where it may be going. We will all lead the world in a great direction as this generation takes the reins!