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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UCF chapter.

“You fight like a girl!” Well yes, I do, and I’m proud of it; we should all be. Today’s generation is filled with “Class A” Alpha females, so you boys better move out of our way because we can do everything you can do and still look great in heels. The Alpha Female is a new age woman who not only is self-confident of her work but of herself, and her sexuality. 

Millennial woman have proven themselves as ambitious, motivated, and determined young woman ready to knock down everything standing in their way. As a bold woman, the Alpha Female establishes herself in everything she does, she refuses to be pushed around, or be defined by what’s between her legs. The advantages of being an Alpha Female college student are endless, as our generation displays successful, influential, and effective young women

What better way to honor the forewoman of our country who fought for our rights than to seek success and gender equality in our professions? At UCF alone, 54.6% of enrolled students are female, that’s over 28,000 woman earning degrees, interning, working, and establishing themselves in the world. 
As a point, I do not want to stereotype Alpha Females as any kind of particular woman, as they are oh so often negatively stereotyped already. Rather, I want to classify the Alpha Female as any woman who takes pride of her accomplishments, of her personality or physicality, and of her womanhood.

The Contemporary Alpha Female not only embraces her femininity but adopts usual masculine characteristics enabling her as the best of both worlds. Her strength and confidence are paired beautifully with her feminine charm and sensitivity. A common misconception is in order to be successful you must be ruthless, masking traditional female traits such as creativity, nurturing, and empathy. The Contemporary Alpha Female embodies and balances her natural female ways with the qualities of a leader.

Today, celebrity’s such as Beyonce and Lady Gaga embody the definition of an alpha female. These strong woman mirror the college woman of UCF, as they display how to maintain class, pose, and strength in all they do. Whether you are the president of a club, an academic scholar, overachiever, or a new freshman to campus who is still searching for themselves, strive to be an Alpha female in your community and make difference for woman of today and of tomorrow.