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6 Easy Ways to Make Money in College

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Hofstra chapter.

It’s getting to be that time of the semester already. Spring Break is calling to you and your girls as you walk around the mall picking out the perfect bikinis. Then you realize…

Your bank account definitely is not looking too promising for all the expenses you’ve got lined up.  Yeah, you’ve got your steady job on campus during the week, but with your classes, it’s hard to fit in a sufficient amount of hours to make enough cash.

Well, here’s 5 easy ways you can get that bank account rolling while in college. Time to crank it up!


For many restaurants, the weekend is the prime time when business picks up. If you’ve ever been near the Roosevelt Field Mall, just minutes from campus, those restaurants are always jammed packed with hungry customers. As a result, help is always wanted on the weekends. Becoming a host is the perfect job that can fit your busy class schedule. Yeah, it takes away from your weekends, but it gives you time to get through your classes and have the weekends to work.


By far, this should be the top of the list for easiest ways to make money. Ask around any family and friends if they’ve got little ones that you could watch for a few hours. It’s flexible if you meet the right family and you can work out the amount of hours and pay that works best for you.


If you’ve got a subject that’s always been your strong point, take up tutoring as yet another great way to make some cash. Visit Hofstra’s Writing Center, for example, if writing is your strong point to see if they need any more help- or even ask a neighbor or family friend if they’ve got a young one struggling in a certain subject in class that you feel you can help out with. Again, it’s a flexible job in making your own hours that you can fit into your schedule and your own pay rate!

Become and Online Selling Guru

Got any old electronics, books, clothes that you don’t use anymore but are still in good condition? Check out websites like Gazelle.com or even eBay to make some quick cash on your used items! Not only can you make money, but you can also learn about the business of dealing with buyers and being a seller- that’s resume worthy!

Visit a Consignment Shop

Speaking of quick cash and used items, if you’ve got gently used and still-in-fashion clothing, fill up a bag and head to the nearest consignment or thrift shop. One of the biggest and best local thrift stores on Long Island, Unique Thrift Store, is just down the road in Westbury. Or, if you’d like to fetch city prices, visit Buffalo Exchange or Cross Roads Trading Co.



Find a Paid Internship

Okay, I know this may not be the easiest to do this late in the semester, but it’s definitely possible to find that one internship out there that will pay. Put your resume building and skills to the test and go out and there and sell yourself; I promise, something will pop up. Check out Hofstra’s Career Center where they can better guide you on your quest for success. A paid internship is a great learning opportunity and also a financial benefit for you in college. You’ll feel like a real employee and will fill all the more rewarding getting (even if it’s small), a paycheck.

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Rae Cox
