UCF alum and Intern Queen (no really, she’s had like a million internships) Lauren Berger will be speaking at UCF this week as a part of UCF’s Annual Leadership Week.
Lauren Berger, CEO of InternQueen.com and author of the National Campus Best-Seller “All Work No Pay,” has created a new way for millennials to find internships, allowing them to search by location, industry or term. Having 15 internships herself, Berger stresses the importance of early-career jobs and motivates college students across the nation to get out and get going. She started her website and international company, InternQueen.com, in 2009, only three years after she graduated from UCF.
The career expert will speak to students and faculty this Tuesday in the Key West Ballroom, room 218 of the Student Union at 2 pm. Before the event, there will be a short meet and greet in room 221 of the Student Union! This is a great opportunity to talk with Berger one-on-one and ask her any specific questions you may have about the scary grown-up world out there.
Berger will be touching a variety of subjects include how to find an internship, building your resume, making connections and gaining job experience. Although Berger’s education focused on business, she will have advice for all different types of majors and career paths!
The Intern Queen has been featured on The Today Show, The New York Times, The New York Post, Teen Vogue, Bloomberg and more, and is a regular contributor to USA Today, Seventeen.com and the Huffington Post. So, she’s a pretty big deal.
It’s awesome that Lauren Berger is returning to her alma mater to share her story of incredible success! Don’t miss the chance on getting some expert advice!
The event is free to all UCF students and faculty.
To learn more about Lauren Berger and find local and national internships, visit www.internqueen.com.
Who: Lauren Berger “The Intern QueenWhat: Speaking at UCF’s Annual Leadership WeekDate: Tuesday, February 25, 2014Time: 2 pmLocation: Key West Ballroom, room 218 of the Student Union