Welcome to cold season, Collegiettes! This cold weather in the Pioneer Valley can be bitter, causing you to feel crumby. Put down the ibuprofen and fear not! Here are some teas that can help the little glitches that harsh your winter mellow.
Stomach Aches: Ginger Tea
Ginger is an herb that breaks up gas bubbles in your stomach, and eases stomach pain. After a night of too many buffalo wings at Rafters, this tea is a perfect pick me up.
Sore Throat: Licorice Tea
Licorice root has a thick and soothing feel to it. Whenever you have an itchy, burning, throat from a nasal drip—licorice tea will feel like it is coating your raw throat. When consumed early in the morning, it may help relieve throat pain throughout your whole day!
Indigestion: Peppermint Tea
Think about after you have a big meal at a restaurant. What do you grab on your way out? A mint! Peppermint leaves sooth the “burning tummy” feelings of indigestion. Instead of gnawing away an antacid, boil some water for this cooling, hot beverage to work its magic!
Lack of Sleep: Chamomile
Chamomile is a decaffeinated tea made of a plant that resembles daisies. The decaffeinated, soothing quality of the tea can help you have a great night sleep. If you find yourself restless for a few nights because of a cold (or perhaps from a huge paper), a cup of chamomile might help you rest easy.
Be sure to take care of yourselves and drink up, ladies!