My senior year has been quite the opposite of what I had orginally pictured for myself. I faced many obstacles, but at the same time had the time of my life. It’s been quite a ride, a fun one might I add, and through all of the craziness, I’ve learned a few things.
1.    Staying in is definitely a thing.
    Not gonna lie, before this year, unless it was dry season or unless I had an important test coming up, I never considered staying in on a weekend night as an option. This year, I’ve realized that staying in is incredibly nice and relaxing. So the next time you’re feeling tired and are debating whether to go out or not, stay in and invite some friends over to watch a movie! You’ll thank yourself in the morning when you wake up well rested without a hangover.
2.    Try and look at things from everyone’s perspective.
    In everyday interaction, it can sometimes be important to look at things from other peoples’ perspective. What you may take away from a situation may be on the entirely opposite spectrum from someone else. With everyone you see and interact with on a daily basis, you never know what could be going on in their life that day.
3.    Don’t waste your time on people who don’t deserve it.
    Spend your time on people who want to spend time on you; waste time with people who want to waste time with you.
4.    Forgive and forget.
    Life is short, and only a small portion of your life is spent at this school. Holding grudges only brings negativity to your college experience, and who wants to look back on their time at Case and have bad things to remember? Getting past things can sometimes lead to great friendships.