This week’s Cutie is Reanne McDowell of Halifax, NS. A Human Rights and International Relations major, Reanne spends her free time drawing and taking photographs. She’s in the class of 2017, and happily taken.
You’re going on a one-way trip to Mars, what’s one item that you have to have?
A really comfy sweater, they’re like giant blankets — my favorite thing to wear.
What is your favorite website, not inducing Facebook, Tumblr or YouTube?
A site called It’s just videos and they’re usually funny or informative. No matter what you watch, you’re going to learn something about something.
What is one major pet peeve you have?
When people say “no offense.” They’re expecting [what they say] will be offensive, but it’s not. Let me decide if I want to take offense.
What song did you sing in the shower this morning?
The Dragon Tales theme song. My friend and I were talking about the show, and she couldn’t remember how the song went. Now it’s stuck in my head.
Since it’s mid- February now, what was your New Years Resolution, and have you kept it?
Yes. It was to eat healthier, and I’m [a] vegetarian now.
So what do you usually eat in the cafeteria?
There are usually vegetarian options, for dinner or get a wrap. I usually stay away from the grill.
Are you liking residence so far?
It’s great! My roommate is my best friend since 12th grade. Having her here has made the experience much better.
What’s one thing you would change about the world, or about life in general?
I would make people nicer to those who work in customer service. I found people got really mad about little things.
Where did you work?
Tim Horton’s. I worked the 11pm-8am shift and would usually get cranky truck drivers. One night a driver came around 2am, asking for 4 chocolate chip muffins. We don’t usually make new things until 4am, so I told him he could have blueberry. He got really upset, and told me I was dumb.
What’s something you miss about Halifax?
Just going into Downtown Halifax. It’s so much bigger, and more fun. Tuesday night’s there’s this thing called “Unity” for spoken word, beat-boxers, and graffiti artists. I usually go and watch people perform or write. I made a lot of cool friends there.
What’s been your favorite STU experience?
Meeting my boyfriend, because he became one of my best friends. He’s easy to talk to, and get along with. We don’t ever fight. We just have great communication.
How did you and your boyfriend meet?
At the Welcome Week Corn Boil in September. A mutual friend introduced us, and he tried to lay down the moves. I thought he was stuck up at first, but we kept hanging out over the week.
With Valentine’s Day coming up, do you have any special plans?
Watch Netflix? We’re going to go to Cora’s on Saturday morning, because I have a 9am class on Friday’s.
Is that a new place you’re trying, or is it a favourite?
No, I just really like breakfast food!