Being single is not a bad thing. However, Valentine’s Day causes us to think that it is, making us feel like we will be forever alone. This year, like all of the other previous years, I am single on Valentine’s Day, and to be honest I am more than alright with it. It seems lately that Valentine’s Day has become this blown out of proportion holiday where if you are single, you are made to feel like you are missing out. I call shenanigans on this.
February 14th is the Feast of St. Valentine of Rome, who was imprisoned for performing marriages of soldiers who were forbidden by their orders to marry. So yeah, I guess it is kind of romantic. However, it wasn’t until the 18th century in England when February 14th became a holiday about all of this “lovey dovey” stuff, where lovers exchange flowers, candy, and greeting cards, aka valentines. So, dear readers, if you are single, do not fret.
As the token single friend and with Valentine’s Day this year being on a Friday, the night I usually spend out and about with my friends (who are all taken/almost taken or in long distance relationships), I am not that worried about being “alone” that day. My first year of college I spent Valentine’s Day all by myself and that began my tradition of watching all three Lord Of The Rings films while eating Chinese food. However, this year I know that I will most likely take advantage of the day and use it as an excuse to eat sweets and watch sappy romantic comedies with my friends that are in LDRs (long distance relationships). I highly recommend Never Been Kissed, Sweet Home Alabama, Say Anything, or 500 Days Of Summer.
What I suggest for all of my single ladies (or gents) out there is to go and do something new, be adventurous, and try not to dwell on the fact that you are not currently with someone. Go do something nice for yourself: treat yourself to a new pair of shoes or that cute handbag that you have had your eye on for while or heck, treat yourself to a manicure/pedicure or other pampering service. You can even go do something nice for others: make some valentines to give to the hospital to give out to patients that day or bake some goodies to donate to your local homeless shelter. So try not to dwell on your single lady-ness, but instead go do something for others. You will not only be doing something good for others, but you will make yourself feel awesome as well.
So while you might be feeling down because you do not have a Valentine, just take the day to treat yourself, enjoy your own company, spend time with friends, or do something good for others. Either way, make Valentine’s Day more about the love you can share with the world rather than your relationship status. And remember: roses are red, violets are blue, being single on Valentine’s Day does not mean boo-hoo.