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5 Reasons Why Valentine’s Day Can Be For Everyone

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Mich chapter.

This week holds the infamous Valentine’s Day. For some, this day is awaited all year, full of romantic surprises from one’s significant other. For others, myself included, it usually means a day spent pondering their eternal singlehood and watching every girl in lecture receive hand-delivered roses. But not this year, ladies. This year is different. Let’s all rethink Valentine’s Day and start actually enjoying the day.

1) St. Valentine started it all.

Legend has it that St. Valentine sent the first valentine to a girl he fell in love with while in jail. He sent her a final message signed, “From your Valentine” before he died. Kind of depressing, but the message is still important. Use the day to remind people that you love them and enjoy having them in your life. Who says your roommate can’t be your Valentine? Or your mom? Or your dog for that matter? Just tell people you love them.

2) Comparison is the thief of joy.

Your day will go such much better if you stop comparing yourself to all the girls around you. Just remember, the grass is always greener on the other side. Single girls want the boyfriend, and girls with the boyfriend want the freedom of being single. Appreciate what you have, and know that love will come in due time.

3) You can be your own Valentine…

Who knows what you like better than you? Take yourself on a date. Valentine’s Day can be the perfect day to take time to yourself and enjoy some alone time. Buy yourself some flowers (I’m not above that), dress up, and go out to your favorite restaurant. You have no one to impress but yourself, so go all out.

4) Or do nothing.

Spending V-Day alone makes it completely acceptable to wear sweats, eat Ben & Jerry’s in bed, and binge on Netflix.

5) Girl friends can be the best Valentines.

There are few better Valentines than single friends. You could organize a Secret Valentine gift swap with all your single friends, so that everyone still receives a card or gift on Valentine’s Day. Enjoy a girls’ night in with facials, wine, and Beyoncé playing in the background. Make a themed movie playlist, like the ones below, and enjoy the mood you’re all in together, whether that be laughing or crying hysterically over love.

Romantic Playlist:

-Pride & Prejudice

-The Notebook

-Crazy Stupid Love

-Blue Valentine

-P.S. I Love You

-Dirty Dancing

-About Time

-A Walk To Remember
Girl’s Night:
-Valentine’s Day
-Mean Girls
-How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days
-Friends with Benefits
-He’s Just Not That Into You
-John Tucker Must Die


Be happy on February 14th. Celebrate all the love you have in your life, whether romantic or not. And if worst comes to worst, just remember that half-off chocolate on February 15th exists. (Photo courtesy of: www.notesfromtheslife.com)