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Crafting Crash Course: Big/Little Week Edition

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Duke chapter.


For all of you sorority girls out there, “Big/Little Week” is either the most highly dreaded or anticipated week of the new semester. As a new member, you can’t wait for this week! You will be showered with so much love and so many gifts for four days. What could be better? Each delivered basket brings new apparel, beautiful wall art, and food, along with serenades and surprises.

On the other side of the spectrum, sophomores feel anxious about the upcoming event. “I can’t craft.” “I don’t have time.” “My friends started crafting over Christmas break!!” No longer “babies,” second year members scour sites like Pinterest for ideas and instructions to help prep for the marathon of making, but are sometimes put off by the amount of work required. Now, we have made this process easier for you. Ranked from easiest to hardest, we have provided you with some crafting coaching to lighten your load. 

Simple and Sweet

Frames: Giving your little a framed photo adds a personal touch to her basket. First, purchase a plain, wooden frame and some acrylic paint. Once you have all of your materials, decide what you want the picture frame to look like. For those who are more challenged in the art department, you can easily just paint a simple background and add letters and symbols to soror-ify the gift. If you want to commit to the craft, try experimenting with a pattern. Maybe a chevron or Lilly print? A cute saying? This craft is not time-consuming and requires little skill. Also, put a photo of her and her new sisters in the frame for an additional effect! 

Wine Glasses: Similar to frames, decorating a wine glass is not restricted to just the artistic folk. Using acrylic or fabric paint, add a special touch to the glass. I personally recommended painting the stem of the glass with a solid color, (preferably your sorority’s color!) for a classy accent! In addition, invest in paint paints! They will save your life. Trust me! 

Colorful Commitments

Wall Art: Especially now that I live in section, putting up the painted canvases I got from my big during Big/Little Week adds a LOT to the plain walls! When making these pieces, try and find smaller to mid-sized canvases. Larger canvases are more of a hassle because they are a pain to pack and you will only have the energy to paint one, versus painting multiple smaller works. For these pieces, make sure to take into account your Little’s own personal style. You want to make something she would like to use, rather than store away because it’s not quite her!

Charming Challenges

Coolers and Paddles: The commitments. Cooler and paddle painting can actually be quite fun and a bonding activity with you and your friends! Painting paddles and coolers require more materials and steps in comparison to wine glasses and frames. For both crafts, it is important to sand the sides to make smooth surfaces. Coat the sanded sides with a primer and let it dry before you start painting. When the all sides are completely dry, paint multiple thin coats of the base color before adding more intricate designs. When the base color is dry, begin decorating! I would make sure to plan out your designs before painting, as mistakes are not easy to fix. Though it may be a long process, you will be really proud of your accomplishment at the end of the week! These gifts end up becoming treasured keepsakes! 



Photo Sources:

Frame: http://www.pinterest.com/pin/341569952959430965/

Kappa Wine Glass: http://www.etsy.com/listing/153464185/kappa-kappa-gamma-sorority-hand-painted?utm_campaign=Share&share_id=19027471&utm_medium=PageTools&hmac=5830e7726a87e31ee5fcb79574b6a4235eb8af79&utm_source=Pinterest

DG wall art: http://www.pinterest.com/pin/116178865361231523/

Cooler: http://media-cache-ec0.pinimg.com/originals/76/96/38/76963863f5b8d9075f523cfbd6eb488e.jpg

Duke 2015 - Central Jersey - Economics (Finance Concentration) & English double major