There is absolutely nothing worse than getting sick in college. Forgot to get your flu shot this year? Your mom isn’t there to take care of you, readings from all your classes start to pile up, and you can’t seem to summon the energy to go to the pharmacy to get medicine. No one wants to get off track and be suck in bed all day. Her Campus American is here to help you stay flu free this winter with these tips.
1. Get a Flu Shot
This is the easiest way to stay flu free, but often the most neglected. The few seconds of pain are worth a season of freedom. Grab a friend who shares a fear of needles and make a pact to stay healthy this winter.
2. Get Outside
Everyone gets sick in the winter because they are cooped up inside breathing germ filled air. Do you lungs, and your sanity, a favor by getting outside for twenty minutes each day for fresh air.
3. Stay Hydrated
Keeping water pumping through your system helps to flush out any germs that you may come in contact with. Try to stay away from drinks that will dehydrate you too, like coffee, soda, and alcohol.
4. Exercise
Getting thirty minutes of exercise a few times a week has been shown to boost your immune system which can help you fight off viruses. Bonus points if you exercise outside!
5. Sanitize
It goes without saying that you need to wash your hands religiously during flu season, but it wouldn’t hurt to carry around a pocket sized hand sanitizer and do a quick wipe down of your dorm room with some clorox wipes
The beginning of a semester is always the best. With new classes, new friends, and new opportunities like jobs or internships you have to stay on your toes, and being sick cannot fit in your schedule. So this semester stick with HC American to stay in tip top shape.
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