Hollins’ January 2014 Short Term is moving into it’s second half, and the month’s events and activities have successfully kicked off. Many Hollins students are spending this month traveling abroad, or participating in internships both in Roanoke and across the country. Many upperclass students are getting a taste of city life by spending the month in New York City, Washington DC, and Boston. Abroad, student are spending time in Spain, France, Germany, and India.
On campus, Hollins students are busy with classes, independent studies, and thesis work. Some of this year’s classes are old favorites, while others are new. Students doing independent studies are working creatively. Rachel Carleton, a senior English and math double major, is spending her January studying fractals. “I’m using computers to explore fractals, different kinds of two dimensional fractals,” Carleton told Her Campus Hollins.
Non-academic activities are also in full throttle. This year, President Gray has invited students to her house for a chili dinner, date dependent on class year. This opportunity for President Gray to reach out and engage students in a casual environment is new to J-term, and many students are looking forward to its continuation. In the realm of J-term’s weekend trips, this year the Office of Student Activities seems to be focusing more on local destinations, with quite the pay off–this weekend’s trip to Snowflex for snow tubing was completely booked solid! Hopefully, next weekend’s trip to Floyd, Virginia will be just as successful.
As the end of January approaches, Her Campus Hollins looks forward to seeing what the Hollins population makes of the rest of their January Short Term.