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Campus Cutie: Connor Lewis C’14

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Sewanee chapter.

Get to Know Our Cutie!

Name: Connor Michael Lewis

Nicknames: The Ferocious Teddy Bear or Big Connor

Class: Senior

Greek Organization: Chi Psi

Hometown: West Palm Beach, Florida

Major: History with a Minor in Anthropology

Relationship Status: Single and continuing to mingle.

Signature Pub Order: Granger with chicken tenders, otherwise known as the Triple Bypass or the Super Granger

Signature Dance Move: Dropping it low and Twerking

Most Attractive Qualities in a Girl: Humor

Biggest Pet Peeve: Smacking, when people chew with their mouths open. I mean come on.

Weird Body Fact: I’m curvy

Most embarrassing song on your iTunes: Big Girls Don’t Cry, but really who doesn’t?


Reasons Why We Love Him:

What is your secret to always bringing the hottest girls to formals?

Luck. Have you seen the beautiful ladies that have been my formal dates? Out of my league. Honestly though, I just pick the girls that are going to be the most fun. It just so happens that they are gorgeous.

The bushy beards on Duck Dynasty are said to represent “traditional values,” what does your beard represent?

My beard represents freedom. Like the founding fathers of our great country fought the tyranny of the British, my beard fights the norms and oppressions of society. Or at least it did while I had it. God bless America.

What is the most romantic thing you’ve ever done for a girl?

If you want to know, come on a date with me.

What has changed the most about you over the course of your Sewanee career?

My beard. It’s been a wonderful journey through highs and lows and through thick and thin, both literally and metaphorically. I had to shave it again over Christmas break, but I want to assure everyone reading this, it will be back.


Sewanee '00
