Name: Lauren Marvin
Year: Junior
Hometown: Edgewood, New Mexico
Major: Communications with a concentration in Multimedia JournalismÂ
Fun Fact: I have an obsession with office supplies.
Favorite Quote: “‘For I know the plans I have for you,’ declares the LORD, ‘plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.'” Â Â Jeremiah 29:11 NIV
Extra Curricular Activities: I tutor English and Math for high school students back home, a delegate for the Model United Nations Club here at WPUNJ, one of the two lead talents for the News Show with WPTV, and a writer for Her Campus WPUNJ.
HC: What made you want to join the National Exchange Program?
LM: I wanted a change of pace, and I wanted to experience a completely different culture.
HC: What do you love most about WPUNJ?
LM: That’s such a hard decision! I love the beautiful campus with all the trees and deer randomly running around. Also, the journalism department here is phenomenal!
HC: From New Mexico to New Jersey is a big change! What are some of the major differences between New Mexico and New Jersey?
LM: Oh geez! Well for one, it is really a big melting pot. Back home the population is separated into Hispanic, Native American, and White people. Also, traffic here is crazy, but I’m impressed with the NJ transportation system.
HC: You’re such a great asset to Her Campus WPUNJ. Any chance you’re going to bring that back home with you and start your own chapter?
LM: I’ve been thinking about that since the semester started, and I’ve decided that I’m going to give it a try. It’s going to be hard, but it’s a great opportunity that I can’t pass up.
HC: Do you have any hidden talents, and if so, what are they?
LM: I play soccer, and when the right song comes on, I can break out my dance moves. I also enjoy writing!
HC: If I asked you to put an item in a time capsule, what would that item be, and why?
LM: Probably a letter to myself with all my dreams written on it. That way, when I open it later in life I can see if I accomplished everything.Â
HC: Where do you hope to see yourself in five years?
LM: Hopefully done with graduate school and on my way to being a foreign correspondent for CNN.
HC: What is your number one thing on your bucket list?
LM: Travel to Africa.Â