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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at St Olaf chapter.

Name: Ellie Anderson (well, it’s actually Sarah Elise Anderson, but that’s a long story)

Year of graduation: 2015

Major/concentration: Spanish/ Management Studies

Relationship status: In a relationship

Favorite place to study: Tomson Hall (either atrium or lantern facing Melby) because it is so bright, clean and cheerful, and there are plenty of people, yet it remains quiet.  I like that there are so many different ways to study; I cannot sit in one place… so I sit at a table, then move to a couch, then a chair, and then repeat the rotation!

Favorite food: I absolutely love fresh fruit; I would have to say ripe blueberries, strawberries and mangos would be near the top of my list (but I love most all food). 

Favorite movie: Remember the Titans, hands down.  The team’s growth to unity amidst fierce opposition is absolutely inspiring.  I love the music, I love sports, and I love true stories. 

Hobbies: hiking, fishing, swimming, running, singing, painting, playing bananagrams, reading, spending time with my family, traveling, soccer, teaching

What was the highlight of your Thanksgiving day?: Spending such a special morning outside with my incredible family- we snuck past a “KEEP OFF thin ice” sign and went skating on perfect ice and played pond hockey together.

What is your favorite class you’ve taken at St. Olaf and why?: Spanish 233 in Ecuador for interim my freshmen year.  I have never travelled a more amazing, fun, hilarious, bright group of people and been a part of such awesome adventures (night walks through the Amazon, hiking up a mountain to the cloud forest, living with indigenous families, etc.).  Plus, this was when I really discovered my passion for Spanish!

What part of your study abroad trip to Spain are you most excited about?: Oooooh my goodness. Everything. This will be such a fantastic adventure to really live in another culture, explore Europe, be immersed in my favorite language and be challenged in so many good ways.  I will get to learn about the rich, dynamic history of Spain, while experiencing the beauty of art, cuisine and people! What a blessing to have this incredible opportunity!! 

What’s your favorite sport to play and why?: Soccer. I just love the intensity and athleticism involved… you have to play as a team and really work the ball up the field together. Goals are so exciting, too.  I love the team dynamic that is developed when everyone is working toward a common goal… winning! 

Describe yourself in one word: Joyful 

Call or text?: Neither! Come talk to me in person! I love meeting new people and hearing people’s stories.  Technology makes things much less personal, I want to be able to see reactions and really engage in solid conversation. 

What is your ideal date?: Going on a long, morning hike in the mountains (Colorado or Montana) up to a glacier lake to have a picnic lunch in the sunshine. 

Finish this sentence: A girl looks her best when… she is confidently doing something she loves with people who love her!

Finish this sentence: A guy looks his best when… he is being a strong leader by serving others. 

What do you want the ladies of St. Olaf to know?: You are beloved.  God made you in his image and loves you very much.  Live with purpose and inspiration to love others!

All photos provided by Ellie Anderson

Maggie is a junior at St. Olaf, currently majoring in Spanish and Latin American Studies with a concentration in media studies.  She runs for the St. Olaf cross-country and track teams, writes for the school newspaper, and tries to do her homework in the downtime. Maggie enjoys spending time with her family and friends, reading, biking, skiing, and swimming.  She's excited to be a part of the Her Campus community!  Um Ya Ya!