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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Mercer chapter.

Everybody has natural beauty. This is a given. But is there anything that people can do to make their natural beauty even more beautiful? The answer: YES! There are little things that you can do to make all of your natural beauty come to the forefront and make you shine!


This is very important if you want to bring out your skin’s underlying luminescence. Without moisture, you skin can look dull and lifeless. It can become dry and flaky, causing itching. This is even more common in the winter. To avoid this you should moisturize your skin daily. Different people need different levels of moisture, and you should learn what your skin requires. It can vary from light coverage, with a light lotion, to something heavier like a cream or Vaseline. To bring out your inner glow, moisturizer is the way to go! Olay makes a good facial moisturizer, with an SPF.  Other companies do as well, but that’s my personal favorite. I am also a fan of Vaseline with cocoa butter because I have extremely dry skin. Know your skin and what you need.

A Good Night’s Sleep:

I know, I know. We hear it all the time, “It’s very important to get a good night of rest.” I know. We get it. But really it is important. You are supposed to get about 7-9 hours of sleep per night. Although it is easier said than done, it is important to try to get an adequate amount. When you feel well rested, you look well rested. The bags under your eyes fade away, you stand a little straighter, and you carry yourself more confidently. It enhances your mood as well, and we all know a smile is the most beautiful thing to wear!

Get Some Sun:

Stop being a vampire, pry yourself away from Netflix, and step into the sunlight! It feels great, warms the soul. But seriously, sunlight can enhance your natural beauty in a number of ways. First, you can get a tan. Everyone looks great with some color! Second, it gives your body the boost it needs to produce Vitamin D. Yes, you can get that from Sunny D, but why not do it with sunlight instead? Finally, when you’re outside in the sun, you’re more likely to be physically active. Physical activity releases endorphins, which make you happy. Happiness is beautiful.

Eating a Healthy Diet:

While it is very easy to eat unhealthy foods in college, it is important that they are balanced with healthy foods as well. A well-balanced diet gives you energy and can enhance certain aspects of your physical appearance. For example, dairy products contain calcium which, as I’m sure you know, build strong teeth and bones. Also, eating healthy sources of protein, such as fish, poultry, veggies, and nuts, can help build muscle and burn fat. Eating well makes you feel good and can help contribute to a more positive self-image.


As I mentioned before, physical activity can help boost endorphins, which can heighten mood. A good source of physical activity is working out. It can also help improve the way you feel about yourself, because let’s face it, there are things that we don’t like about our own bodies. Be it extra fat around your middle or thighs, a lack of energy or stamina, or even just the desire to get up and go, there are things we would like to change. Much of that is achievable through exercise. With hard work and dedication, you’ll be up and going in no time!

Although we are all beautiful, inside and out, there are things that could make us feel even better. Whether it’s feeling better in a health way or in a self-confidence way, we all deserve to feel our best. With a few simple additions to our everyday lives, we can be at our very best!




Desirrae is a small-town girl with dreams of making it in the big city... Well not really. She is a freshman who decided she needed to write more than she needed almost anything else. She is a journalism major who fantasizes about being as important as Barbara Walters someday. When she isn't writing, Desirrae can be found reading, watching Netflix, spending time with her friends at school, or talking to her families from home... Or sleeping. Probably sleeping.