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“Bromance” Campus Cuties: Joshua Font and Ramón Torres

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UPR chapter.

Whenever I think about the term “bromance” I can’t help but smile and think about these two. They’re not your usual kind of guys, that’s what I love about them. They are the definition “knights in shining armor”, sometimes a girl wants the typical “dorky best friend who you fall in love with in the end”. This is what these two give me, the friendly reminder of real beauty that we all should aspire to. You will fall in love with their beautiful soul and amazing personalities.  Of course, they show me to treasure the things that really matter. We have been honored with the campus cuties of this week, which have to be the two most “adorkable” fellows I know. This bromance will never get boring and neither will those double dates! ;)

Name: Joshua A. Font

Year: 5th

Major: Audiovisual Communications and Drama

Hometown: Bayamón

Relationship Status: Single

Age: 22

Nickname:  Batman

Favorite Phrase: “Si te pica, ráscate.”

Name: Ramón E. Torres Santa

Year: 3rd

Major: Audiovisual Communications

Hometown: Bayamón

Relationship Status: Single

Age: 20

Nicknames: Ernestito, Grosor, Batman’s friend.

Favorite Phrase: “Que clase de grosor.”


1.HCUPR: Most memorable moment in your life?

Joshua: Most memorable moment…it’s funny ’cause I can’t seem to think of a particular day or time. I do have a most memorable year if anyone asks me and it’s 1997 and I don’t even know why anymore, I just know that I was really happy that year; everything went right. WAIT, NO! New Year’s of 2010. I was with my grandma at the time. She was sick with cancer and I was taking care of her and spending New Year’s with her so she wouldn’t be alone. We did the usual looking at “las despedidas de los países” on T.V. It wasn’t anything out of the ordinary, but it was the last New Year’s she spent with me and she was so happy that I was there even if it wasn’t special. She was just happy I was there, as was I. I loved her more than anything, I’m a grandma’s boy. :3

Ramón: Well one of the most memorable moments in my life was May 13, 2011 my birthday. On that day my friends earned some money together and bought me an electric guitar, and not just any guitar but an Epiphone Casino. This gesture made me feel really good about myself because I could see that I was a pretty decent person if my friends went to so much trouble to get me such a great gift. They truly are the best.

2.HCUPR: What would your last words be? Why?

Joshua: Ok, so last words: If I felt like trolling, would be something like “I have a load of money hidden in the…” If not: “Nothing you learn in life goes to waste. So, take the best qualities of everyone you meet and make them you’re own.” Why? I’m a details person, I like to learn and get some kind of learning experience out of most of the things that happen on my day to day basis. Odds are most of us learn something every day from some random stranger and we don’t even know it. People are full of stories

Ramón: “Buenas noches amigos y enemigos” this is a phrase from a song called Resumen de noticias by Silvio Rodríguez it basically sums up life you live by and with other people but at the end you gotta be at peace with yourself and your conscience that’s why I bid them farewell (even if I’m hated or loved).

3.HCUPR: I know the term “grosor” is a term that you two made quite a statement about. Tell me about this concept:

Joshua: Grosor is pretty much a verb and a noun to anything you find funny or awesome as well. If you see a pretty girl on the street: “ella tiene grosor”, you find a movie interesting: “esa película tiene grosor”, so it really boils down to the context in which you use it, which is what we hope to achieve with the channel. A lot of variety, comedy and videos to entertain people and get the pressure off of things if for a few minutes. That’s what youtube’s for anyways, entertainment!

Ramón: Grosor started out as an inside joke between longtime friends and me. After I met Joshua we decided to make this comedy channel and ask people what they thought the concept was. The youtube channel will make a comeback this Christmas, to a computer near you.

4.HCUPR: Where do you see yourself in ten years?

Joshua: Myself in ten years: A mirror? (Ba, dum, tss) I’m gonna be graduating, so hopefully I’ll be somewhere in California doing what I love, which is making movies. I don’t know if I’ll be acting, directing or maybe a director of photography, maybe I’ll even be a script writer, but that’s the thrill of it. I’d like to do at least 1 movie and one stand up from here to 10 years, hahaha!

Ramón: In 10 years I hope I have a beard…But in all seriousness I aspire on to continue graduate studies either in Film as well as communications. I also hope that I do a big project like a full length feature film or maybe get big on my musical projects. But i’m more of a one step at a time kind of guy.

5.HCUPR: Something not many people know about you:

Joshua: That people don’t know about me stuff is weird…let’s see…Play with my hair and I will fall asleep in seconds flat. Or…I’m very ticklish… or I’m a very jumpy guy (scare easily). Also many people don’t know my middle name. Oh yeah, and I’m Batman.

Ramón:: I recently started a band called “La otra media”.Also I self taught myself how to play the guitar. And of course I’m not Robin.


6.HCUPR: Describe yourself in 3 words:

Joshua: Funny, witty, hard-working.

Ramón:Mellow, funny, musical.

7.HCUPR: Tell me about your ideal partner + date:

Joshua: Ideal date: Good conversation, I don’t care where we are, how we’re dressed, if we’re dressed as long as there is some kind of connection. I really dig a smart girl that can hold up a conversation, but she NEEDS to have a sense of humor because I like a girl who makes me laugh. If she’s witty, even better! I love a girl whose opinion on things is different than mine, but open minded, ufff!! She’s gotta be open to learning and watching movies!  Physically: No taller than me, or older than me, that’s about it. And if she has glasses, it’s a bonus. I feel like I’m going out with my mom…it’s weird…Also I don’t know why but I don’t like blondes.

Ramón: The ideal girl for me would be a kind, very smart and cultured girl that knows about everything from politics to pop culture, literature, etc. Having said that the ideal date for me would be going out and taking pictures, watching great films, listening to awesome albums and just talking about the never ending misadventures of life. As for looks I’m really not a picky person though I do like short girls with black hair or brunettes.

8.HCUPR: Finally, tell me something about this “bromance” of yours that you have going on.

Joshua: I had recently changed concentrations, I was studying psychology and philosophy and well, it wasn’t what I expected. So, I changed my major to COPU and on the first day of class, I see this awesome little scared “prepa” with a star wars shirt. Being an “estudiante orientador”, I thought I’d show him around, but he wasn’t having it. It took a couple of classes until he finally budged. I sat in front of him one class and was looking up things on 9gag.com and we started laughing at the same jokes, from then on we kept talking and we’ve been awesome friends, we do share a lot of the same interest in movies, and humor, so it’s kind of a given. I love the dude! He’s awesome!

Ramón: Well my earliest memory of Joshua was laughing at how someone in class pronounced the word “claqueta” and then we started joking around about 9gag and such. Since them we’ve been pretty popular at COPU as those guys who are always hanging out together and we’re pretty friendly with everyone. We also do a lot of audiovisual projects together helping out everyone who has ever needed us from simple projects, to big ones like the EPK we did to the already Campus celebrity Carolina Isabel. Joshua is a funny, cool, social guy and nobody should think twice on being his friend.

*The pictures were taken from Joshua’s and Ramon’s facebook page.

Nahir Robles was a former member of the Her Campus at UPR chapter from 2013 until 2018. She graduated with a Bachelor's in Integrative Biology. Some of her interests include writing, modeling, and wrestling. She is currently a Her Campus Mentor and works as a Pathology Assistant.
Suzzette Martinez Malavet is a senior at the University of Puerto Rico-Rio Piedras studying Information and Journalism. She loves photography, shoes, fashion, social media, traveling and exercising outdoors. She has interned at the Capitol of Puerto Rico, Diálogo Digital, Wapa TV, Telemundo Network, U.S. Census Bureau's Center for New Media and Promotions and the Corporate Communication/Sales & Marketing Department of the U.S. Mint in DC, but her proudest accomplishment was in Spring 2013 when she founded the very first HC Chapter in Puerto Rico, Her Campus UPR. Suzzette is currently the Chapter Advisor of Her Campus American University, Marymount, William & Mary, and GW. She is also a returning intern this semester at the U.S. Census Bureau's Center for New Media and Promotions. This 22-year-old woman is the most career-driven individual you will ever meet. If you want to know a little more about her...if you want to know what makes her tick and what inspires her the most...Unlock the mystery by reading some of her awesome articles!