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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Tufts chapter.

As that New England air starts to get nippier, Collegiettes everywhere pull their Uggs out of storage. But before you start dusting off your boots, take a look at the do’s and don’ts of wearing Ugg boots.


Rule #1. Check the weather first

 Look out the window. Is it snowing? Is the temperature below 40 degrees? If so, you have my permission to wear Uggs. If not, then leave them under the bed, Collegiette!

 Uggs were made for the winter and winter only. So don’t pair them with shorts, a skirt, bare legs, or anything else that might make you look tragically seasonally confused. Try a pair of wool socks and your favorite leather boots instead. 


Rule #2.  Uggs are not accent pieces

Uggs are not a fashion statement. They’re called ‘Uggs’ because they’re ugly. So Uggs are for comfort and warmth; they are neither to be worn excessively, nor as an accent piece for your mini-skirt-crop-top combo. See rule #1 for clarification—Uggs are meant for the winter.  


Rule#3. Wear them appropriately

Don’t make excuses. If you come from a southern state, it’s your responsibility to educate yourself on proper New England fall and winter attire. Just because it doesn’t hardly drops below 75 degrees where you come from doesn’t mean it’s acceptable to pull out your Ugg booties the second the leaves start to change. For your own sake, get some warm socks and get used to this weather.


Rule #4. Get dressed, for real!

Do not, under any circumstances, wear a different pair of Uggs every day all winter long (even if you have more than one pair).  And in the same vein, try not to excessively rock the classic Uggs-with-leggings-and-a-big-sweatshirt look.  Don’t use Uggs as your excuse for not getting dressed in the morning. The fact that Uggs are expensive and popular does not make them a luxury item. They, alone, do not qualify you as being well-dressed.


I know I might have given you some tough love but you owe it to yourself to look good sometimes; don’t let an Ugg addiction keep you from that.  Now that you’re ready to wear your Uggs, check out some great websites for college shopping to find the perfect sweater to match!