Around this time of year, some of us are going through the trauma of coursework, and if like me you have been struggling to find the willpower or the concentration to do it I have found a way to help. Here are some healthy foods and snacks to keep us going through this hard time.
Blueberries and strawberries are a must since they contain antioxidants. Blackberries are also a great brain booster, as they contain Vitamin C which has long been thought to have the power to increase mental agility.
Oily fish
Not everyone likes fish; however it is good for healthy brain function, the heart, joints and general wellbeing. The main sources of oily fish include salmon, trout, mackerel, herring, sardines, pilchards and kippers.
Nuts and seeds
These are great as a healthy snack to eat instead of crisps. Just a handful of seeds a day is all you need to get your recommended daily amount of zinc, which is vital for enhancing memory and thinking skills.
Wholegrains include foods such as ‘brown’ cereals, wheat bran, granary bread and brown pasta. These help to keep you mentally alert throughout the day.
Dark chocolate
As if you needed any more reason to indulge yourself in eating chocolate, research shows that dark chocolate enhances focus and concentration. It is also another feel good food which helps to cheer you up.
Green Tea
Making a cup of green tea helps to maintain a positive mood, which we all need from time to time! Also great for keeping us warm as it gets a little bit more chilly in the winter months – keeping away the winter blues.
This is a great fruit which is in season at the moment. Pomegranates are rich in resveratrol which has been shown to protect the brain, especially in cases of stroke or dementia.
BBC Good Food
Huffington Post
Edited by Luisa Parnell