Should you have this or that?
Let’s face it- decisions suck. No one likes to make them. So here’s your food this or that cheat sheet to make those food decisions a little easier.
PB&J or Ham & Swiss?
Choose the PB&J. Peanut butter is not only full of protein but has monounsaturated fats which help promote good cholesterol and a healthy heart! Ham is high in sodium and cheese is full of saturated fat. For an extra healthy choice, try using a low-sugar jelly and cut back a little bit on the peanut butter.
Puffed Rice Cereal or Raisin Bran?
Choose the Raisin Bran. One big reason for this choice is because raisins are a iron-rich food! Also, cereals that contain flakes keep more of their nutritional value. Raisin bran also has more fiber in it!
Apple or Orange Juice?
Go with the OJ. As one might expect, orange juice is full of Vitamin C! On the other hand, apple juice contains a very low amount of Vitamin C and has a lot more sugar in it!
Hamburger or Hotdog?
Hamburger is the winner of this battle. Burgers have a lower amount of saturated fat and contain Vitamin B which is good for the nervous and immune systems and also has protein in it!
Yogurt or Applesauce?
Choose the yogurt. 6 ounces of yogurt has somewhere around 200 mg. Of calcium and 5 grams of protein. Applesauce contains neither of those things.
Red or White Wine?
Us girls always need a wine night on occasion. For these nights, try to stick with a red wine. Both contain a similar amount of calories, but red wine is made with the skin of the grapes which means you can find an antioxidant that is a proven anti-inflammatory, anti coagulant, and cholesterol imporoving agent!
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